The HCLSoftware development team is pleased to announce the availability of HCL CAMWorks ShopFloor 2023 SP0 build 2022/1206 (06-Dec-2022). This software provides state-of-the-art digital tools for machinists to leverage digital machining data in part models, reducing errors and improving communication between CNC programmers and shop floor machinists. What's new in CAMWorks ShopFloor 2023 Option to view Setup Sheets in Additional Formats from CAMWorks ShopFloor 2020 SP3 version. From CAMWorks ShopFloor 2020 SP3 version onwards, Setup Sheets can be viewed in the following formats: - XML (Will be displayed in Web browser)- Word doc (Will be displayed in default Word Processing Software application)- Excel file (Will be displayed in default Spreadsheet Processing Software application)- .SET (Will be displayed in default Text Editor application) CW-93081 When publishing a ShopFloor file using the CAMWorks ShopFloor Publisher dialog box, if the Output Setup Sheet option is checked and user assigns a custom style sheet template, then the Setup Sheet generated is on default stylesheet template instead of the custom stylesheet.CW-92108 For the specific ShopFloor file viewed in the CAMWorks ShopFloor application, when the Stock Node in the Operations tab of CAMWorks Shop Floor menu bar ( on the left-hand side of the user interface ) is selected, multiple stocks are displayed in the graphics area instead of just one stock.
CAMWorks ShopFloor is the latest Industry 4.0/Smart Manufacturing tool specially designed for the CNC machinist on the shop oor and promotes digital manufacturing by providing 3D models with MBD & PMI data and CNC programming information to the shop oor in a single, compact digital format.
CAMWorks ShopFloor provides state-of-the-art digital tools for machinists to leverage digital machining data in part models, reducing errors and improving communication between CNC programmers and shop floor machinists.
This allows companies to move beyond traditional methods and meet Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 initiatives, as well as improve quality, increase productivity and reduce the number of needed CAD/CAM software licenses. With CAMWorks ShopFloor, 3D digital models capture extensive data from the part design files and provide tools that machinists can utilize to produce parts with fewer miscommunications between the design and manufacturing departments.
Empower your shop floor with the Smart Manufacturing tools they need to avoid errors and increase production at a fraction of the cost of a CAD/CAM system. A full suite of tools are provided to view and precisely measure 3D parts and assemblies. Digital setup sheets and tool lists can be sent along with the 3D part models and CNC programs, and the machinist can virtually simulate the CNC program using cutting-edge 3D simulation. The ability step-through every move in a CNC program is provided to reduce setup time and eliminate the need to dry-run programs on the machine.
Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
HCL Technologies 的GeometricPLM是工程解决方案,服务和技术领域的专家。其全球工程服务,产品生命周期管理(PLM)解决方案,嵌入式系统解决方案和数字技术解决方案的组合使公司能够制定,实施和执行旨在提高产品实现生命周期效率的全球工程和制造策略。 2016年4月1日,Geometric与HCL Technologies达成协议,通过分拆将其业务转让给HCL Tech,但其与DassaultSystèmes(3DS)(3DPLM Software Solutions Limited(3DPLM))在合资企业中的58%的股份除外)。在寻求所有法定批准后,过渡已于2017年3月2日生效。 产品: CAMWorks ShopFloor版本: 2023支持的体系结构: x64网站主页: www.camworks.com语言: english系统要求: PC *支持的操作系统: *软件先决条件: *尺寸: 993.1 mb本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到