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- 2025-02-26
磁铁AXIOM是用于数字数据恢复的强大应用程序。您前面的软件可以根据自己的分析技术从各种来源恢复丢失的数据。在智能手机,云服务,计算机,物联网设备等上恢复丢失的数据。受益于功能强大和先进的技术,您选择了该产品来恢复丢失的数据。Magnet AXIOM软件最重要的功能之一就是能够从大多数来源检索信息。由于功能强大的扫描仪具有很高的分析能力,因此这是可能的。该程序还受益于非常快速的数据扫描和分析。您可以在短时间内恢复丢失的数据。该软件的其他用途包括数字信息研究。该产品的另一功能是提供详细的分析报告。完成完整或自定义的扫描和分析后,该软件将为您提供非常全面和准确的报告列表。所有这些使它成为功能最强大的数字数据恢复程序之一。Magnet AXIOM是一款综合的电子数据取证分析工具,包括AXIOM计算机取证和手机取证功能,也是全球知名的一款互联网电子证据发现、数据深度挖掘及分析的专业工具AXIOM 证据分析器基于 Magnet IEF 的分析功能打造而成。AXIOM 证据分析器通过处理磁盘映像及文件转储中的原始数据,提取出所支持的使用痕迹的相关数据,将数字证据的搜索过程自动化。Magnet Forensics, the global leader in digital investigation software, is pleased to announce the availability of Magnet AXIOM 4.6. This release introduced powerful new artifacts to help you get more from your Mac investigations, added new customization options to Portable Case, and included the ability to export your geolocation data. We’ve also made remote acquisitions up to four times faster with improved performance in AXIOM Cyber. Find out more about these new features, along with new and updated artifact support below. AXIOM功能亮点一次搜索,恢复上百种使用痕迹: AXIOM 证据分析器可以一次性搜索上百种不同类型的电子数据的使用痕迹。恢复超过 290 种 Windows 和 Mac 计算机使用痕迹的证据;恢复超过 500 种运行 iOS、Android 和 Windows Phone 系统的智能手机和平板电脑中的移动设备使用痕迹。从已删除空间中寻找更多证据:AXIOM 证据分析器通过从完整文件中提取数据,或从应用程序和网站残留的数据元素/碎片中发掘已删除数据 (Data Carving) 及痕迹,并以简单易读的格式将其组织在一起,从而在已分配和未分配空间内发现更多使用痕迹。使用痕迹更新保证您与应用程序升级同步:频繁的使用痕迹更新确保 AXIOM 持续恢复全新和已更新应用程序中的证据。Magnet Forensics 团队每年在使用痕迹研发领域投入大量时间。不止于寻找。增加处理选项以优化案件流程: 使用哈希文件集,滤除无关文件以提高搜索性能及减低误报,或识别指出已知犯罪相关图片和视频。计算机取证功能AXIOM计算机取证分析功能可以恢复超过90种使用痕迹类型。社交媒体:Bebo、FaceBook、Google+、Instagram、LINE、Linkedin、MySpace、Twitter、新浪微博、VK网页版电子邮件:Gmail、GMX、Hotmail、Hushmail、Mailinator、MBOX、Outlook.com、Yahoo!即时通讯/聊天:Adium、AIM、Chatroulette、Google Talk、iChat、iMessage、Mail.ru、MSN Messenger、MSN Plus!、ICQ、mIRC、Omegle、ooVoo、Paltalk、Pidgin、QQ聊天、Second Life、Skype、TorChat、Trillian、微信,Windows Live Messenger,魔兽世界、Viber、Yahoo Messenger网页浏览器:360浏览器、Chrome、Edge、Internet Explorer、Firefox、Opera、Safari、Xbox IE精选浏览结果:云端服务URL、Facebook URL、Google Analytics Cookies、Google Maps查询、标识符、恶意程序/网络欺诈、解析搜索查询、色情URL、重建网页、社交媒体URL等P2P文件分享应用程序:Ares、Bitcoin、eMule、Frostwire、Gigatribe、Limerunner、Limewire、Luckwire、Shareaza、.Torrent文件及Usenet等云端服务:SkypeDrive/OneDrive、Dropbox(包括Dropbox数据库解密)、Google Docs、Google Drive、Flickr、Sharepoing、Carbonite等图片和视频(带Exif):BMP、GIF、ICO、JPEG、JPG、PNG、TIF/TIFF、MP4、MKV、MOV、MPEG、MPG、WMP、3GP、AMR、AVI、DIVX等网络视频恢复:Adboe Flash、Chatroulette、Camstumble、ChatForFree、iCU2、Shockrooms、YapChat移动备份:Androis手机备份、iOS备份Usenet文件:Binreader、Grabit、NewsToolz-EZ、Newsbin、Forte Agent、Xnews电子邮件:Outlook PST/OST、mbox、Microsoft Lync/OCS IM、ZOOM文档文件使用痕迹:doc、docx、xls、xlsx、pdf、ppt和pptxWindows操作系统使用痕迹:事件日志、跳转列表(Jump List)、LNK快捷方式文件、安装网络共享、操作系统和文件系统信息、预读文件(prefetch)、ShellBags、启动项、时区、用户帐户、USB设备使用历史记录Android智能手机取证AXIOM可以恢复超过500种智能手机中的使用痕迹信息。短信、通讯录、电子邮件(Android、Gmail、GMX邮件、iOS邮件及Yahoo!邮件语音邮件:Android语音邮件、iOS语音邮件、Skype语音邮件、AMR音频剪辑浏览器:Chrome、Dolphin、Firefox、Puffin、Safari,Silk等地图:Apple地图、Google地图备忘录: iOS备忘录、Outlook备忘录下载:Android下载、iOS下载、.Torrent文件手机日志:Android通话日志、iOS通话日志、Windows通话日志缓存:手机缓存、iOS应用程序缓存、iOS快照、WiFI缓存 Magnet Forensics, the global leader in digital investigation software, is pleased to announce the availability of Magnet AXIOM 4.10. This release helping you do more in your investigations with a number of new and updated artifacts. New in Magnet AXIOM 4.10: Get More Insight with New and Updated Artifacts
New in AXIOM: Get More Insight with New and Updated Artifacts.AXIOM 4.10 include a number of new and updated artifacts to help you surface more data in your investigations. - Office 365 Document Version History: Of particular interest to corporate examiners and consultants, this new artifact will surface details of previous file versions of documents managed within Microsoft OneDrive or SharePoint. Examiners will now have insight into when documents were modified and who made revisions.- Samsung Messages: AXIOM 4.10 now include artifact support for Samsung’s native Android messaging app, so you can add these text messages and attachments to your analysis.- WeChat and Wickr: With AXIOM 4.10, we’ve now updated our carving support for the latest versions of WeChat (iOS) and Wickr (Android), helping you recover deleted messages and attachments.- Microsoft Office Alerts: This new artifact will now enable you to view user pop-up alerts from Microsoft Office applications, such as “Are you sure you want to delete this file?” and “Want to save your changes?”- Chrome Media History: Media History is a new database for certain Chromium applications (including Chrome, Microsoft’s new Edge browser, Brave, Yandex, Opera, and Whale browsers). AXIOM and AXIOM Cyber’s new Chrome Media History artifact will help you uncover valuable insights on media viewed via these applications. For a walkthrough of how to leverage the new Chrome Media History artifact, check out Tarah Melton’s how-to video:磁铁AXIOM软件的功能:- 恢复您的数字信息和数据
- 可用于各种设备,例如手机,计算机等
- 进行非常高精度的分析过程
- 扫描和搜索数据的速度非常快
- 提供准确的扫描报告
Magnet Forensics is a global leader in the development of digital investigation software that acquires, analyzes and shares evidence from computers, mobile devices, the cloud and more. Magnet Forensics tools are used by over 4000 agencies in 93 countries and has been helping investigators fight crime, protect assets and guard national security since 2011. Product: Magnet AXIOMVersion: Architectures: x64Website Home Page : www.magnetforensics.comLanguage: multilanguageSystem Requirements: PC *Size: 3.4 Gb 购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。 若发现会员采用欺骗的方法获取财富,请立刻举报,我们会对会员处以2-N倍的罚金,严重者封掉ID! 此段为出售的内容,购买后显示