SafetyBarrierManager is a software tool that helps to analyse risk using safety-barrier diagrams. Safety-barrier diagrams show how safety barriers prevent accidents and how they improve safety in a clear and transparent way. Risk analysis using SafetyBarrierManager will become easier, better and understandable, also for non-experts.
SafetyBarrierManager allows you to: - Describe accident scenarios in the form of safety-barrier diagrams.
- Perform qualitative and quantitative assessments of accident scenarios.
- Manage the documentation of foreseeable hazards, safety barriers and risk reducing measures.
- Extract tables with barriers, consequences, mitigating actions and more.
- Include links to other resources, such as on-line drawings or procedures.
- Publish safety-barrier diagrams an all other documentation and results directly on the web.
SafetyBarrierManager is the graphical implementation of Layer-Of-Protection-Analysis (LOPA). It is a tool with integrated fault-tree and event-tree assessment. It calculates the expected frequencies of the accident scenarios. It gives direct input to quantified risk analysis. Safety-barrier diagrams are very similar to bow-tie diagrams, but more versatile. 本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到
关于激活 1、本站下载解压,双击SafetyBarrierManagerSetUp321604.exe,完成安装
2、软件安装完成后,复制patched里的所有文件到安装目录下默认路径C:\Program Files (x86)\SafetyBarrierManager (DTU)
3、运行SBM_KeyGen.exe,输入注册基本信息,注意日期格式要正确,License Number留空不填点击Register注册会弹回错误信息,将弹出的那串代码写下
4、运行软件,点击Register按钮注册,注册信息务必保证与前面填写的一致将上一步错误信息弹出的Code复制粘贴到Liceense Code,点击激活即可