电信3号FTP 19:02:46.140 正在连接服务器
2009-07-17 19:02:46.203 服务器连接成功,等待应答消息......
2009-07-17 19:02:46.281 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
2009-07-17 19:02:46.281 220-You are user number 11 of 2000 allowed.
2009-07-17 19:02:46.281 220-Local time is now 19:05. Server port: 21.
2009-07-17 19:02:46.281 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
2009-07-17 19:02:46.281 220 You will be disconnected after 60 seconds of inactivity.
2009-07-17 19:02:46.281 USER anonymous
2009-07-17 19:02:46.375 230-Your bandwidth usage is restricted
2009-07-17 19:02:46.375 230 Anonymous user logged in
2009-07-17 19:02:46.375 SYST
2009-07-17 19:02:46.437 215 UNIX Type: L8
2009-07-17 19:02:46.437 CWD .
2009-07-17 19:02:46.500 250 OK. Current directory is /
2009-07-17 19:02:46.515 PWD
2009-07-17 19:02:46.578 257 "/" is your current location
2009-07-17 19:02:46.578 TYPE A
2009-07-17 19:02:46.640 200 TYPE is now ASCII
2009-07-17 19:02:46.640 PASV
2009-07-17 19:02:46.703 227 Entering Passive Mode (125,76,249,201,128,28)
2009-07-17 19:02:46.703 LIST -la
2009-07-17 19:02:46.828 150 Accepted data connection
2009-07-17 19:02:46.828 226-Options: -a -l
2009-07-17 19:02:46.828 226 8 matches total
大型综合FTP 19:03:25.859 正在连接服务器
2009-07-17 19:03:25.921 服务器连接成功,等待应答消息......
2009-07-17 19:03:33.390 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.1 for WinSock ready...
2009-07-17 19:03:33.390 USER anonymous
2009-07-17 19:03:43.859 331 User name okay, please send complete E-mail address as password.
2009-07-17 19:03:43.859 PASS ******
2009-07-17 19:03:54.890 230 User logged in, proceed.
2009-07-17 19:03:54.890 SYST
2009-07-17 19:04:00.875 215 UNIX Type: L8
2009-07-17 19:04:00.875 CWD .
2009-07-17 19:04:08.843 250 Directory changed to /
2009-07-17 19:04:08.843 PWD
2009-07-17 19:04:14.843 257 "/" is current directory.
2009-07-17 19:04:14.843 TYPE A
2009-07-17 19:04:26.859 200 Type set to A.
2009-07-17 19:04:26.859 PASV
2009-07-17 19:04:32.843 227 Entering Passive Mode (202,116,225,24,234,100)
2009-07-17 19:04:32.843 LIST -la
2009-07-17 19:04:46.843 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
2009-07-17 19:04:47.093 226 Transfer complete.
一些英语资料FTP 19:05:44.234 正在连接服务器
2009-07-17 19:05:44.343 服务器连接成功,等待应答消息......
2009-07-17 19:05:44.453 220 Serv-U FTP Server v4.0 for WinSock ready...
2009-07-17 19:05:44.453 USER anonymous
2009-07-17 19:05:44.546 331 User name okay, please send complete E-mail address as password.
2009-07-17 19:05:44.546 PASS ******
2009-07-17 19:05:44.656 230 User logged in, proceed.
2009-07-17 19:05:44.656 SYST
2009-07-17 19:05:44.765 215 UNIX Type: L8
2009-07-17 19:05:44.765 CWD .
2009-07-17 19:05:44.859 250 Directory changed to /
2009-07-17 19:05:44.875 PWD
2009-07-17 19:05:44.968 257 "/" is current directory.
2009-07-17 19:05:44.968 TYPE A
2009-07-17 19:05:45.078 200 Type set to A.
2009-07-17 19:05:45.078 PASV
2009-07-17 19:05:45.187 227 Entering Passive Mode (221,194,44,88,12,16)
2009-07-17 19:05:45.187 LIST -la
2009-07-17 19:05:48.687 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
2009-07-17 19:05:48.890 226 Transfer complete.
一个中学的ftp 19:06:21.921 正在连接服务器
2009-07-17 19:06:22.046 服务器连接成功,等待应答消息......
2009-07-17 19:06:22.187 220 (vsFTPd 1.1.3)
2009-07-17 19:06:22.187 USER anonymous
2009-07-17 19:06:22.359 331 Please specify the password.
2009-07-17 19:06:22.359 PASS ******
2009-07-17 19:06:22.625 230 Login successful. Have fun.
2009-07-17 19:06:22.625 SYST
2009-07-17 19:06:22.765 215 UNIX Type: L8
2009-07-17 19:06:22.765 CWD .
2009-07-17 19:06:22.875 250 Directory successfully changed.
2009-07-17 19:06:22.875 PWD
2009-07-17 19:06:23.000 257 "/"
2009-07-17 19:06:23.000 TYPE A
2009-07-17 19:06:23.125 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
2009-07-17 19:06:23.125 PASV
2009-07-17 19:06:23.328 227 Entering Passive Mode (218,242,170,13,46,255)
2009-07-17 19:06:23.328 LIST -la
2009-07-17 19:06:23.578 150 Here comes the directory listing.
2009-07-17 19:06:23.609 226 Directory send OK.
杀软之类的软件FTP 2009-07-17 19:07:06.109 正在连接服务器
2009-07-17 19:07:06.734 服务器连接成功,等待应答消息......
2009-07-17 19:07:07.375 220 Microsoft FTP Service
2009-07-17 19:07:07.375 USER anonymous
2009-07-17 19:07:11.140 331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
2009-07-17 19:07:11.140 PASS ******
2009-07-17 19:07:11.750 230 Anonymous user logged in.
2009-07-17 19:07:11.750 SYST
2009-07-17 19:07:12.375 215 Windows_NT
2009-07-17 19:07:12.375 CWD .
2009-07-17 19:07:12.984 250 CWD command successful.
2009-07-17 19:07:12.984 PWD
2009-07-17 19:07:16.531 257 "/" is current directory.
2009-07-17 19:07:16.546 TYPE A
2009-07-17 19:07:17.156 200 Type set to A.
2009-07-17 19:07:17.156 PASV
2009-07-17 19:07:17.781 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,1,232,14,9,101).
2009-07-17 19:07:17.781 LIST -la
2009-07-17 19:07:19.015 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
2009-07-17 19:07:19.765 226 Transfer complete.
superscan ftp 2009-07-17 19:08:04.015 正在连接服务器
2009-07-17 19:08:04.234 服务器连接成功,等待应答消息......
2009-07-17 19:08:04.390 220 dmsingapore Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
2009-07-17 19:08:04.390 USER anonymous
2009-07-17 19:08:04.515 331 Anonymous access allowed, send identity (e-mail name) as password.
2009-07-17 19:08:04.515 PASS ******
2009-07-17 19:08:04.781 230 Anonymous user logged in.
2009-07-17 19:08:04.781 SYST
2009-07-17 19:08:04.968 215 Windows_NT version 5.0
2009-07-17 19:08:04.968 CWD .
2009-07-17 19:08:05.078 250 CWD command successful.
2009-07-17 19:08:05.078 PWD
2009-07-17 19:08:05.203 257 "/" is current directory.
2009-07-17 19:08:05.203 TYPE A
2009-07-17 19:08:05.312 200 Type set to A.
2009-07-17 19:08:05.312 PASV
2009-07-17 19:08:05.421 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,14,91,110,13,174).
2009-07-17 19:08:05.421 LIST -la
2009-07-17 19:08:05.656 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
2009-07-17 19:08:05.906 226 Transfer complete.