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[其他信息]RTT新活动 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2010-02-01 15:18:18
With all our new users from the Christmas signups coming up on the timerequirement for power user, we would like to take the opportunity toremind everyone that the Invite a friend-a-thon is on and in full swingwith several users already meeting target requirements and beingawarded their GBs. For you new users feel free to check it out, it isan easy way to introduce your friends to Revolutontt and to earn somefree GB in the process.
Power User Requirements: You have been bea member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 25GB and have aratio at or above 1.05
Invites can be requested HERE for all those users eligible.
Contest Awards:
Stage 1 - 25GB credit when you have 2 qualifying invitees all with a minimum of 20GB downloaded and a ratio of above 1.0.
Stage 2 - 25GB credit when you have 3 qualifying invitees all with a minimum of 35GB downloaded and a ratio of above 1.0.
Stage 3 - 50GB credit when you have 5 qualifying invitees all with a minimum of 40GB downloaded and a ratio of above 1.0.
If you go beyond this, you will qualify for promotion above VIP - TT Gold Club - plus a 500GB reward.
Full contest details can be found HERE
Thereare some exceptions to who qualifies for this. As of our GoodwillWeekend many of you may have heard we blocked certain countries fromsignup to Revolutiontt. This decision wasn't made lightly, sinceopening the site so many years ago we've had several geographiclocations that continue to be a issue for us. Not all but most usersfrom these areas are repeatedly breaking site rules and take up a hugeamount of staff time to respond to and take appropriate action. As aresult membership has been closed to the following countries andcurrent users from these regions are not eligible for invites.
Saudi Arabia
Allcurrent user from these region can rest assured your continued use ofthe site will not be blocked. From this point on however no new membersfrom these countries will be allowed. Failure to comply with this willresult is the loss of both accounts.

eddywong 电魂 +1 闪电联盟因你而精彩! 2010-02-01