CS Squad Hosting is now offering free shared hosting accounts.
Specs of the free accounts is as below:
300MB Disk Space
10GB Bandwidth
2 Addon Domain, Parked Domain, Sub Domain
2 MySQL Account, FTP Account, Email Account
Link back to http://cs-squad.net is compulsory in all hosted sites.Sites without the link back will be terminate immediately.
We would be glad if you will also place this banner at your website and link to

To signup for an account, go to
http://cart.cs-squad.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=59Account creation is instant.
Please be aware that you are not allowed to host any sites with contents as below:
-Any Form Of Porn
-Phishing Sites
-Proxy Sites
-Hacking Related Sites
And remember to place the link back to
http://cs-squad.netFailing to do so will cause your account to be terminated without notice.
申请地址 http://cart.cs-squad.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=59
须加连接 Link back to http://cs-squad.net