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[游戏娱乐]Rar Password Unlocker v3.2 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2010-02-19 12:09:21
 Rar Password Unlocker v3.2 | 2.61 Mb

  RAR Password Unlocker 3.0 是一个简单、易用、功能强劲的 WinRAR/RAR 压缩文件密码的恢复工具。它支持所有版本的 WinRAR/RAR 压缩文件,不管 WinRAR /RAR 的密码有多长和多复杂,它都可以恢复。它通过暴力破解、带掩码的暴力破解和字典破解三种模式来加强对 WinRAR 压缩文件密码的恢复,并且可以根据实际使用的需要对字典进行定制,工作迅速并且富有成效。此外,它是一个有史以来最容易使用的密码破解程序,甚至是一个新用户都可以在不到一分钟的时间内将其完全掌握。

- 恢复长 WinRAR/RAR 密码
- 支持 WinRAR/RAR 压缩文件的所有版本
- 易于使用,不到一分钟即可熟悉该程序
- 带有强劲的三种破解模式
- 允许用户给程序提供密码恢复提示以减少计算、节省时间
- 可自定义用户允许基于该程序定义一个字典
- 允许用户设置计算机 CPU 的优先级
- 每过一段时间之后自动保存破解方案
- 如果上一次恢复进程意外地停止,则保存恢复方案和摘要
- 允许用户在恢复完成后自动关闭计算机

RAR Password Unlocker 3.0 is to find the lost password for the RAR file for you to extract the files in the archive easily. This RAR password remover supports all versions of RAR archives. It can recover password no matter how long and how complex it is. Enhanced by brute-force attack, brute-force with mask attack, dictionary attack, it works effectively and efficiently. Moreover, it is the ever easiest-to-use program even a new user can get used to it in less than a minute.

Recover long passwords
Support all versions of RAR archives
Easy to use with less than a minute to get familiar with the program
Powerful with three attack modes
Allowed to offer password clues to the program to reduce the calculation, time-saving
Customizable for users can define a dictionary for the program to base on
Allowed to set the computer CPU priority
Auto-save the project every after a period of time
Support to resume the processing project if the process is accidentally stopped last time
Allowed to shutdown computer after the processing finishes

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