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[游戏娱乐]PGP Desktop Professional 10.0.1 强大的加密软件。可以对邮件与文件的加密与签名 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2010-03-10 10:56:27

PGP Desktop Professional 10.0.1 | 55 Mb

PGP Desktop Professional PGP是一款强大的加密软件。可以对邮件与文件的加密与签名,可以生成一对密码组合,由一个私人密码和一个公用密码组成。你可以将公用密码发送到网络服务器上,能够使想与你通信的人以公用密码加密通信的内容,在你接收到信息后,就可以用私人密码将其解密,这样就不会被其它人所偷看了。

PGP Desktop Professional provides a comprehensive set of encryption applications to protect sensitive data in email, instant messages, and on disk or removable media. This data is at risk of compromise: email and instant messages can be intercepted or misdirected, laptops are easily lost, and PCs are often targets for theft. PGP Desktop Professional secures confidential information wherever it exists, protecting the business and helping meet partner and regulatory mandates for information security and privacy.

Disk, Volume, & File Protection
PGP Desktop Professional includes PGP Whole Disk Encryption to lock down the entire contents of a laptop, desktop, external drive, or USB flash drive, including boot sectors, system, and swap files. Pre-boot authentication is enforced and the always-on encryption is transparent to the user, automatically protecting data. Volume and file encryption provides an added layer of security to protect sensitive data while the system is powered on.
PGP-Protected Messaging
PGP Desktop Professional provides email and instant messaging (IM) encryption between AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) users with PGP Desktop to enable confidential communications. Policy-based enforcement simplifies security, providing transparent operation with no additional user requirements.
Flexible Deployment Options
PGP Desktop Professional can be rapidly deployed in standalone mode in smaller companies or to critical users within a larger enterprise. As security requirements evolve, organizations can easily migrate existing users to a centralized, managed architecture without changes to user behavior or credentials and add new encryption functionality to existing deployments, as needed.
PGP Encryption Platform–Enabled
The PGP Encryption Platform provides a strategic enterprise encryption framework for shared user management, policy, and provisioning automated across multiple, integrated encryption applications. As a PGP Encryption Platform–enabled application, PGP Desktop Professional leverages PGP Universal Server users, keys, and configurations, expediting deployment and policy enforcement. PGP Desktop Professional can be used in combination with other PGP encryption solutions to provide multiple layers of security.

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