下载地址:http://xiazai.xiazaiba.com/Soft/I/Image_Resizer_V4.0.0.30_XiaZaiBa.zip 软件介绍: VSO Image Resizer 是将数码照片和图像存在电脑中,并希望重新调整大小,压缩,转换,创建备份,导入或组织图片的人们设计的完美工具。 你是否想过要发送,移动,缩小或放大一张图片或者一堆图片, 有了 VSO Image Resizer,这些只需单击一下即可完成。
Image Resizer - 4 - - Released 更新日志:
New features:
- live preview to see what result will look like before actually resizing or converting
- compress all the files to a zip
- send by email function
- new text formatting for watermark [like HTML]
- new file selection allowing to add image + folders [including different view styles]
- improved stand-alone usage
- quick new access to profiles from shell extension
- export/backup profiles