FlashFXP是一款功能强大的FXP/FTP软件,集成了其它优秀的FTP软件的优点,如CuteFTP的目录比较,支持彩色文字显示;如BpFTP 支持多目录选择文件,暂存目录;又如LeapFTP的界面设计。支持目录(和子目录)的文件传输,删除;支持上传,下载,以及第三方文件续传;可以跳过指 定的文件类型,只传送需要的本件;可自定义不同文件类型的显示颜色;暂存远程目录列表,支持FTP代理及Socks 3&4;有避免闲置断线功能,防止被FTP平台踢出;可显示或隐藏具有“隐藏”属性的文档和目录;支持每个平台使用被动模式等。
Changes in FlashFXP v4.0.0.1545 @ 03/10/2011:Critical Update
* Fixed load queue routine when using the command line switch -restorequeue.
* Fixed logic error which allowed the user to start the transfer queue during a delete operation.
* Fixed missing treeview text coloring (skiplist/highlight) when the application is started with the treeview visible.
* Minor changes to the way sounds events are executed.
* Changed the File Association > Add/Edit File Patterns to disallow entries containing semi-colons.
* Minor changes to the remote tree navigation backend to improve performance.
* Changed the remote delete behavior so that when deleting just files from the current folder a file listing refresh isn't performed.
* Changed the remote move behavior so that when moving items a file listing refresh isn't performed.
* Changed the File Association > Add/Edit File Patterns to disallow entries with only spaces.
* Fixed wheel scrolling the tree-view control on the Folder tree dialog prompt and on the Site Folder tree dialog prompt.
* Refined the task scheduler repeat task input validation, as it allowed invalid values to be set resulting in an error saving the task.
* Added a workaround for "clever internet suite ftp service", as its not 100% RFC compatible.
* Fixed UTF8 SFTP issue, An unexpected change in the SFTP engine broke the UTF8 character conversion.
* Fixed command line transfer failure when transferring the root folder.
* Fixed menu navigation glitching, such as clicks not registering.
* Fixed bug in the remote recursive delete routine that could sometimes occur if the connection was lost during the operation.
下载:FlashFXP v4.0 Standard Edition下载:FlashFXP v4.0 Portable Edition下载:FlashFXP v4.0 U3 Portable Edition