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[系统软件]FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1567 Beta [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2011-05-04 15:39:39
FlashFXP是一款功能强大的FXP/FTP软件,集成了其它优秀的FTP软件的优点,如CuteFTP的目录比较,支持彩色文字显示;如BpFTP 支持多目录选择文件,暂存目录;又如LeapFTP的界面设计。支持目录(和子目录)的文件传输,删除;支持上传,下载,以及第三方文件续传;可以跳过指 定的文件类型,只传送需要的本件;可自定义不同文件类型的显示颜色;暂存远程目录列表,支持FTP代理及Socks 3&4;有避免闲置断线功能,防止被FTP平台踢出;可显示或隐藏具有“隐藏”属性的文档和目录;支持每个平台使用被动模式等。
1. Fixed some goofy drawing in the File Association dialog. Added Edit/New File Association specific window captions.
2. Fixed an ongoing issue with synchronized browsing and site bookmarks. When synchronized browsing is on and you click on a bookmark should not turn it off, If synchronized browsing is off and you click a bookmark with it on it should turn on.
3. Fixed a problem with safely removing USB type devices via Eject with FlashFXP running. FlashFXP would prevent the device from being ejected.
4. Fixed an issue where the tcp/ip send buffer size wasn't reset back to default for sites using default after connecting to a site with a custom tcp/ip send buffer size.
5. Improved the performance of several GUI related routines.
6. Eliminated the flicker that occurs on the toolbars when changing the modern toolbar backgrounds and toolbar button themes.
7. Fixed problem with the setting Preferences > Transfer > Options > "Remove empty folder on upload failure", this setting was removing all empty folders, not just folders where an upload failure occurred.
8. Fixed an issue where in some cases the remote tree-view node hash table contained invalid entries after a folder on the server was removed by another user on the server.
9. Fixed a performance issue on download where we tested if the file existed multiple times, when just once is all that was needed.
10. Fixed a drawing issue with the status console window which resulted in excessive flicker.

下载:FlashFXP 4.0.0 Build 1548 (3.25 MB)
下载:FlashFXP 4.1 Build 1567 Beta (3.21 MB)
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