YrKWA Google Android开发团队刚刚公布了Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0.1) for x86芯片的版本给开发者,它可以工作在Intel和AMD的芯片方案下,但是需要注意的是该版本是一个早期版,对于英特尔芯片而言,没有声音、摄像头、以太网和硬件加速的支持,而对于AMD来说则没有声音和硬件加速,以下是下载地址和邮件全文:
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Hi all, b%5f&N
The ics-x86 branch based on Android 4.0.1 is ready. = 9]~yt
You may download the source as usual: OydwE
$ repo init -u git://git.android-x86.org/manifest.git -b ics-x86 l/awS!Q/nF
$ repo sync "w.3Q96r
or from the SourceForge mirror bY0|N[g
$ repo init -u git://android-x86.git.sf.net/gitroot/android-x86/x86/platform/manifest.git N8FF3}>
-b ics-x86 nj53G67y
$ repo sync
8ITdSg E\,-XH What work:
4_cqT/ k)Qtfj}uij
* Wifi d<N:[Y\4l
* Multitouch uU25iDn
* OpenGL ES Hardware acceleration for AMD Radeon chipset 'X2POay1
What NOT work (yet): hfy_3} _
* Sound ,nB5/Lx
* Camera Oo%d]8W
* Ethernet [1
* Hardware acceleration for Intel platform /RC7"QzL
I’ve uploaded an iso for AMD brazos tablet in the download page. ]wG{!0pl
Enjoy it!