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[绿色软件]文字代码编辑器 (Sublime Text2) v2.0.1.2217 绿色便携版 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2012-10-11 11:15:28

Sublime Text被称作Windows下的TextMate,而根据其官网介绍,Sublime Text的特点如下:拥有高效、没有干扰的界面,在编辑方面的多选、宏、代码片段等功能,以及很有特色的Minimap。

Sublime Text 是一个代码编辑器.也是HTML和散文先进的文本编辑器。漂亮的用户界面和非凡的功能,例如迷你地图,多选择,Python的插件,代码段,等等。完全可自定义键绑定,菜单和工具栏。

Sublime Text的主要功能包括:拼写检查,书签,完整的 Python API , Goto 功能,即时项目切换,多选择,多窗口等等,详见官方 Blog 介绍。
但可以用UTF-8保存中文 不支持 打开 GB2312


Build 2181
Release Date: 22 February 2012
See the blog post for a summary
New Icon, by The Iconfactory
File and Global settings have been combined into a single settings file
Selecting a word will highlight other occurrences. This can be controlled with the match_selection setting
Reworked text rendering for improved quality
Improved automatic indentation. It now uses bracket matching to better determine indentation
Added setting indent_to_bracket and smart_indent, to customize automatic indentation
Auto Complete is less intrusive
Renaming a file via the side bar will rename any open files
Improved folder scanning performance on huge directory trees
Untitled files have their name set automatically from the first line of the file. The can be controlled with the set_unsaved_view_name setting
Ruby: #{} is expanded when # is entered in a string
Folder names are shown in the window title if no project is open
Folders in projects are stored with relative paths
Added Save with Encoding
Spelling errors are indicated with an underline only, the foreground color of the text is no longer changed
Added no_bold and no_italic font options
Added margin setting, to control the size of the gutter
Key bindings for Goto Anything, Save, etc will work if a panel has input focus
"Open all with current extension as" handles filenames without extensions
Fixed an auto complete display issue
Fixed find_under_expand not setting whole_word correctly
Fixed Paste and Indent adding unwanted whitespace when pasting within a line
Fixed a minor compatibility issue with .tmLanguage files
Fixed a tab dragging issue on OS X and Windows
OS X: Tweaked sub-pixel positioning to match TextEdit and Terminal. The previous behavior is available via the no_round font option.
OS X: Open File and Open Folder have been combined into a single Open menu item
OS X: Control+Option+Left/Right will move by sub words, in the same manner as Control+Left/Right
Windows: Default font is now Consolas
Windows: Improved text rendering quality when using Direct Write
Windows: Added support for --wait
Windows: Added support for drive letter relative paths passed on the command line
Windows and Linux: Added key bindings for ctrl+shift+backspace/delete
Linux: Added a workaround for a glibc bug when MALLOC_CHECK_ is defined
Linux: Pango is used for font rendering, improving support for CJK text
Vintage: Escape cancels current input (thanks fjl)
Vintage: Pasting over visual mode selections works as expected (thanks misfo)
Vintage: Linewise changes set indentation (thanks misfo)
Vintage: Linewise motions work as expected (thanks misfo)
Vintage: c, C, s and S update registers (thanks misfo)
Vintage: Tweaks to G and gg (thanks guillermooo)
Vintage: Added zt and zb (thanks djjcast)
Vintage: Added gq (thanks orutherfurd)
Plugin initialization time is reported in the console at startup
API: Tweaked module importing
API: Added window.find_open_file(file_name)
API: Added sublime.run_command()
API: Added view.unfold([regions])
API: Added view.folded_regions()

先安装程序然后将 破解 目录下面的 sublimetext.exe 替换安装目录下面的文件。

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