pK0"%eA 知名火狐修改版浏览器——苍月浏览器Pale Moon今天正式发布15.4版本。修改版提升了浏览器性能,减少内存占用并增加了对64位处理器的支持,并对现有的Firefox配置、书签和扩展提供完美支持。该版本基于Firefox最新正式版开发,64位版也同步更新。
.W js~0c @S|XGf Pale Moon 19 ,v"YqD+GC5 Pale Moon 19 x64 / m=HG^! Pale Moon 19 Portable Hh+ 2mkg Pale Moon 19 x64 Portable <)1qt
9 Pale Moon 15 | Bi! Pale Moon 15 x64 l\i)$=d&g Pale Moon 15 Portable :O uA)f Pale Moon 15 x64 Portable R17?eucZ Pale Moon 3.6.32 #\=F O> Pale Moon 3.6.32 Portable B
{>7-0 Changes in Pale Moon 19.0 (2013-02-20): FJMrs[ * Update of the underlying Firefox (gecko) code to v19. This has a number of consequences:
} }59V&'t o Add-ons and themes may need to be updated since the UI code has changed.
(!:,+*YY o HTML5-implementation is more complete
7Op>i,HZk\ o A number of CSS statements have their prefix removed (-moz*)
&q9T9AOS o Javascript now uses the IonMonkey engine by default, which is a new (faster) engine
vam;4vyu o Improvements to the layout and rendering engines
$ ` "" o If you are using a language pack, you need to update it to the new version
2'w?\{}D * Update of the browser style. Main browser controls and the padlock look slightly different.
1jcouD5?H * Several Pale Moon specific improvements to the rendering engine, noticeable in general use and certain benchmarks, to prevent browser stalls or high CPU usage on certain pages.
{tWf * The builds no longer use PGO (Profile Guided Optimization) but are globally speed-optimized.
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