nginx(发音同engine x)是一款由俄罗斯程序员Igor Sysoev所开发轻量级的网页服务器、反向代理服务器以及电子邮件(IMAP/POP3)代理服务器。起初是供俄国大型的门户网站及搜索引擎Rambler(俄语:Рамблер)使用。此软件BSD-like协议下发行,可以在UNIX、GNU/Linux、BSD、Mac OS X、Solaris,以及Microsoft Windows等操作系统中运行。
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Fl<BCJY 7`|$uIM` Windows
:TX!lbCq .E"hsGH9h _;L9&>!p6 改进内容:
,eF}` *) Bugfix: new sessions were not always stored if the "ssl_session_cache shared" directive was used and there was no free space in shared memory. Thanks to Piotr Sikora.
Jf YO|, *) Bugfix: responses might hang if subrequests were used and a DNS error happened during subrequest processing. Thanks to Lanshun Zhou.
E5/-?(N *) Bugfix: in the ngx_http_mp4_module. Thanks to Gernot Vormayr. *) Bugfix: in backend usage accounting.