iOS 7发布后,国行和港行设备的拼音输入法增加了一个新布局——九宫格。但其他地区发售的设备即便升级到iOS 7依然没有该选项,不论选择哪种语言。今天苹果官方正式确认了九宫格输入法是中国大陆和香港地区专属功能。 spiDm:Xe -fM1$/] v:P!(`sF 9月中旬向苹果开发中心报告Bug称在非国行和港行设备的输入法布局中没有九宫格(英文称为"10 Key"布局)选项。今天10月17日,苹果正式回应如下:
~'f8L#[M That is by design, we only enable 10 key Pinyin keyboard for the iPhone sold in HK and China.
fjkT5LNxk We consider this issue closed. If you have any questions or concern regarding this issue, please update your report directly (
R+^z y"~ Thank you for taking the time to notify us of this issue.
sM9-0A Best Regards,
Apple Developer Support
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