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- 2025-03-03
[attachment=197592] 软件名称:WinRAR 软件版本:5.02 软件大小:2MB 软件位宽:32、64 更新时间:2014-04-06 汉化人:三千院雨 WinRAR是老牌的压缩软件,至于你不知道它是干什么的话,我就建议你好好回去用用好压、快压、360压缩。 5.02包含少量错误修正,喜欢最新的朋友们不要错过。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 版本 5.10 beta 2 1. 错误修正: a) when processing nested archives, WinRAR could attempt to open inner archive as self-extracting instead of opening an outer archive. It happened if inner archive was stored without compression and outer archive name had non-standard extension; b) Unix RAR could not decompress hard links stored by WinRAR if link source name included path separator characters. 汉化版特点: 1、完美汉化主程序,命令行RAR、帮助文件 2、集成注册文件一枚 3、无国内版的未注册广告 4、模拟原版安装,最大稳定兼容 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQggDUy http://yunpan.cn/QIIVfjcCABqfV