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[网络应用]mathematica 10中文 下载_mathematica10.1激活注册机 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2015-05-07 08:49:22
Mathematica是世界上最强大的通用计算系统。自1988首次发布以来,它对如何在科技和其它领运用计算机产生了深刻的影响。基于20年世界级运算法则和软件的开发, Mathematica在扩展涉及领域和适用性上做出了重大突破并重新定义了我们对计算方法的理解。Mathematica独特的符号结构使Mathematica可以给我们带来一个全新的语言与界面的统一。这种概念可以使运算法则的自动计算、人机对话的操作以及动态表示都到达一个新的水平,同时可创造一个与数据世界相连接的新方式。
自Mathematica首次发布以来,它的用户群一直在稳步的增长,目前用户总数以百万计。Mathematica已成为许多机构的标准工具, 使用范围包括财富50强的所有公司,美国政府15个主要机构,和全球最大的50所大学。
  • 动态交互性
  • 高效果自适应可视化
  • 数据集成语言
  • 可供随时使用的已归类数据
  • 符号界面结构
  • 自动化计算美学
  • 图形、文本和控制的统一性
  • 集成几何计算
  • 全自动图形显示
  • 组合优化
  • 约束非线性优化
  • 新一代数值积分
  • 新类特殊函数
  • 数字理论辅助的扩展
  • 公式理论的证明
  • 探索性数据分析
  • 符号统计计算
  • 高阶字符串计算
  • 排列计算的扩展
  • 符号性声音辅助
  • 动态图形输入
  • 集成图形编辑和绘制
  • 扩展图形语言
  • 即时三维图形
  • 内建游戏手柄及HID辅助
  • 三维打印及扫描辅助
  • 瞬时多媒体编程
  • 讲演创建结构的流水线过程
  • 自动报表显示
  • 符号报告的生成
  • 即时编码注释
  • 瞬时高阶调试
  • 全新参考结构

Wolfram Mathematica 10.1.0 (Win/MacOSX) | 1.99/2.13 GB
Mathematica is the tool of choice across the technical world for everything from simple calculations to large-scale computations, programming, or presenting. Throughout industry, government, and education, two million people – from students to Nobel Laureates – use Mathematica to achieve more.
Mathematica seamlessly integrates a numeric and symbolic computational engine, graphics system, programming language, documentation system, and advanced connectivity to other applications. It is this range of capabilities – many world-leading in their own right – that makes Mathematica uniquely capable as a ‘one-stop shop’? for you or your organization’s technical work.
Automation is the key to productive computing. Unlike other systems, Mathematica applies intelligent automation in every part of the system, from algorithm selection to plot layout and user interface design. You get reliable, high-quality results without needing algorithm expertise—and even if you’re an expert, you get results faster.
Integrated All-in-One Platform
Specialized software and add-on toolboxes discourage the creative exploration of new ideas and areas—an even greater cost than their purchase price. Mathematica requires no add-ons. It has built-in specialized functionality for many technical areas, from computational biology to wavelet analysis, all tightly integrated with the rest of the system.
Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric Methodology
Symbolic and numerical computation are traditionally thought of as separate, to the detriment of users. In Mathematica, they are seamlessly integrated, enabling unique hybrid methods for many problems and ensuring consistent results whenever quantities of any precision are combined.
Multiparadigm Language
No one programming style is ideally suited to every problem. Mathematica stands out from traditional computer languages by simultaneously supporting many programming paradigms, such as procedural, functional, rule-based, pattern-based, and more.
Built-in Knowledge
Searching and updating standard datasets shouldn’t interrupt your workflow. Mathematica is unique among technical computing platforms because it includes a vast collection of carefully curated data of all kinds, continuously updated and expanded.
Document-Based Workflow
You shouldn’t need one program to process your data, another to visualize it, and a third to interactively present it. Mathematica does everything in a single workflow, keeping all elements of a project—calculations, visualizations, data, documentation, and even interactive applications—together, in uniquely flexible documents.

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