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[媒体工具]cinema 4d r16下载_cinema 4d r16官方简体中文完整版破解+注册机 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2015-05-10 10:03:03
今天我们迎来了全新的 CINEMA 4D R16,依旧由 MUS3 团队破解完成,C4D R16 ISO Win/Mac完整版,包含 keygen 注册机

C4D R16 ISO Win/Mac + Keygen BT 下载

MAXON正式发售Cinema 4D R16,下一代3D产业化软件。除了对工作流程的数以百计的更新外,Cinema 4D还提供了如多边形笔‘超级工具’,轻松将3D元素插入实景拍摄视频的动态跟踪器,还有一个具有多图层控制功能和高光的全新反射通道。R16再一次体现了MAXON以为专业创新人事提供拥有稳定的性能,无以伦比的集成度,以及一目了然最优化界面工作流程的保证。
C4D R16 ISO Win/Mac完整版

Cinema 4D R16功能的完整列表
MAXON将在2014年的IBC上,向世人展示Cinema 4D R16,本届IBC将于2014年9月12号到16号在阿姆斯特丹的国际展览中心举行。MAXON的展台将在7号走廊,7号站台,39号。
“今天3D创作的高手们依靠着手中高效的工具来提高他们制作效率。”MAXON电脑的首席执行官Harald Egel说道。“Cinema 4D R16是MAXON强调专注于为3D设计工作提工作最棒、最快、最易软件解决方案的里程碑。

业界对Cinema 4D R16的称赞

C4D R16 ISO Win/Mac完整版

CINEMA 4D R16可以通过MAXON或者其授权代理商购买。拥有有效期至2014年9月2号的MAXON服务协议(MSA)的客户将获得自动的升级。R16可以在Mac OS X或者Windows上使用。

This is the service update 16.050 for CINEMA 4D and BodyPaint 3D R16.
This update is highly recommended for all R16 users. In general there have been a lot of stability improvements, functional bug fixes as well as some performance improvements and idea implementations.
Important note for Team Render users:
Due to extensive changes in the code it is necessary that you unverify & verify your existing machines once after the update so that their status changes from red to green. In case you have difficulties doing so, contact our support department. If you experience connection problems and are using Bonjour, we recommend disabling Bonjour.
New Improvements in This Release
Fixed an issue with camera execution call in C++ API.
RegisterDescription() now has ‘g’ parameter in C++ API.
Fixed an issue with vertical tabs in Arabic interface layout.
Alignment issue in Arabic interface layout has been fixed.
Wrong string in Arabic version has been corrected.
Overall stability of animation and Pose Morphs has been enhanced.
Fixed a issue when using pose morphs on splines.
Fixed a stability issue when making character objects editable.
Fixed an issue with loading Cloth caches.
Problems when exporting feather splines to Alembic has been solved.
Fixed an issue with importing Alembic splines as hair.
Fixed a stability issue when exporting Alembic with Merge Generated enabled.
Fixed an issue with Alembic and Cloner export.
Fixed an issue with tags and making Alembic asset editable.
Fixed an Alembic import issue.
Fixed an issue with scaling Alembic assets.
Fixed an issue with Send to ArchiCAD command.
Fixed an update issue with Alembic assets when scrubbing backwards.
Fixed an issue with rendering Alembic particles.
Fixed an issue with Alembic particle geometry.
Fixed a status bar string issue when exporting Alembic.
Fixed an issue with importing bitmap files.
JPEG loader now supports CMYK.
TIFF loader now supports CMYK.
Fixed an issue with disabled Alembic assets.
Fixed an issue with particle visibility when disabling Alembic asset.
Fixed an issue with undo/redo update of Alembic particles.
Fixed an issue with Alembic particle update when loading scenes.
Fixed an issue with importing Alembic splines as hair.
Fixed a stability issue when importing Alembic files containing NURBS.
Fixed an issue with exporting cameras to Alembic .
Fixed an issue with Sky merging.
Fixed an issue with exporting cameras to FBX.
Fixed an issue with exporting splines to FBX.
Fixed a stability issue with hair.
Fixed an issue with font size on OS X 10.10.
Fixed a stability issue when switching layouts.
Fixed an issue for menu highlighting state in Content Browser and Texture Manager.
Motion Tracker footage can now be hardware rendered.
Improved performance when deleting Motion Tracker tracks.
Overall stability when modeling has been improved.
Fixed an issue with dynamic grid in orthographic mode.
Fixed an issue with snapping in orthographic view.
Fixed an issue when snapping on custom workplane .
Fixed an issue with extruding complex splines.
Fixed an issue with beveling in Solid mode.
Fixed a highlighting issue with Bridge and Stich & Sew.
Fixed an issue with Symmetry object.
Fixed issues with snapping with Polygon Pen.
Fixed an issue with snapping in orthogonal view.
Fixed an issue with Bevel deformer in Radial Offset mode.
Fixed an issue with Mesh Check default settings.
Fixed an issue with Symmetry object.
Fixed an issue with dynamic grid.
Fixed an issue with grid.
Fixed an issue with Polygon Pen.
Stability of MoText object improved.
Fixed an issue with shader assignment in OpenGL.
Fixed a spline display issue with OpenGL.
Fixed a specific performance issue with OpenGL.
Fixed a memory issue with OpenGL.
Fixed a stability issue with OpenGL.
Python: Added missing GenerateTexturePath() and IsInSearchPath() methods.
Python: C4DAtom.AddUniqueID() returns a bool.
c4d.COLORBYTES_* attribute accessibility in Python/Coffee.
Gradient Custom GUI: double knots.
Fixed an issue for parameter ‘path’ in PaintTexture::CreateN
Overall stability when sculpting got improved.
Fixed an issue with copying & pasting masks.
Fixed an issue with Unsubdivide command.
Fixed an issue in BodyPaint 3D application with Project Mesh.
Fixed an interface issue with Sketch and Toon line modifiers.
Fixed an issue with redundant Sketch and Toon multi-pass.
Fixed an interface issue in Sketch and Toon render settings.
Fixed an issue with arrow caps for Sketch and Toon lines.
Fixed a stability issue with audio playback.
Fixed an issue with audio playback.
Added better feedback for Team Render port collision and similar connection situations: Introduced red status of machines.
Team Render Client can now send crash reports directly to MAXON.
Fixed an issue with adding clients and Bonjour.
Fixed an issue with naming of GI caches.
Fixed an issue with clients showing version number.
Fixed an issue with joining clients not participating in render.
Fixed an issue with redundant info messages in the console.
Fixed an issue with the online state indicator of clients.
Fixed issue with TR/RQ-log printing redundant information.
Fixed issue with Reflectance channel adjustments and Team Render to PV.
Fixed an issue with output file names.
Overall improved client-server connection stability.
Added support for Retina display in web interface icons.
Fixed issue with already reserved port in Team Render Server.
Fixed issue with job selection and search filter.
Fixed a performance issue with Texture Manager.
Fixed an interface issue with Texture Manager.
Fixed a refresh issue with Texture Manager when texture are held on network drive.
Fixed an issue with Thinking Particles life attribute.
Default maximum particle count has been raised to 1 million.
Overall stability of XRefs has been improved.
Fixed an issue with bevel deformers in XRefs.
Improved color preferences for Timeline.
Fixed a stability issue when making Boole objects editable.
Fixed an issue with Python Script Log ignoring new tags.
Fixed a stability issue with texture baking.
Fixed a stability issue with UV editing.
Fixed an issue with false serial number collision
Fixed a display issue of Sky textures.
Fixed a Picture Viewer stability issue with stereoscopic rendering.
Fixed a performance issue with rendering many objects.

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