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[系统软件]IsoBuster Pro 3.6 中文注册版 + serial 光盘映像管理工具 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2015-06-20 17:13:57

IsoBuster是一个屡获殊荣的,高度专业化的和易于使用的CD,DVD和蓝光(BD,HD – DVD)的数据恢复工具.它支持所有CD / DVD/ BD/ HD DVD的格式和所有常见的文件系统……挽救一个坏的或丢弃的CD或DVD光盘中的文件,保存重要文件,珍贵的图片,家庭视频,你唯一的系 统,…. IsoBuster都可以做到.


IsoBuster Pro 中文注册版

Isobuster Pro 3.6 是一个能够将TAO、DAO、ISO、BIN、IMG、CIF、FCD等镜象文件内容直接抓取出来的免费工具。IsoBuster支持各种软件所制作的镜象文件,有Nero、Duplicator、BlindRead、Easy-CD Creator、CDR-Win、Virtual CD-ROM、CloneCD 等,还可以将 Video CD 的 DAT 文件转换成 MPG 文件。


IsoBuster Pro 注册版



IsoBuster Pro 3.6 中文注册版

IsoBuster Pro IsoBuster是一款CD/DVD数据恢复工具,它能够从一个坏的CD或DVD中恢复丢失的文件。它支持所有基本的的CD和DVD格式和文件系统。在新版本中提供了下列增强:提供了对Mac文件系统(HFS和HFS+)的支持;支持MAC *.DMG映像文件;后台运行的新代码能够检查软件升级;支持对帮助文件的语言选择;能够指定临时文件夹;支持双层DVD-R。


3.6 更新日志:

Support for the Linux EXT file system

Support for Rimage mastered CD/DVD discs with manifest file

Support for Nintendo GameCube file system

Support for GEMDOS / Atari – ST FAT12-16 variant

Support for High Sierra on CD-ROM (the predecessor to ISO9660)

Implemented internal device caching, especially used during File System recognition. Many file systems start from similar addresses. Caching avoids having to re-read blocks for every file-system that is checked

Detect if the Nintendo Wii file system is present and show an icon for it (*)

Detect if the Linux RomFS file system is present and show an icon for it (*)

Detect if the Unix/Linux JFS file system is present and show an icon for it (*)

Detect if the Unix/Linux ZFS file system is present and show an icon for it (*)

Detect if the Unix/Linux Minix file system is present and show an icon for it (*)

Detect if the Linux BtrFS file system is present and show an icon for it (*)

Detect if the Linux SquashFS file system is present and show an icon for it (*)

Detect if the Linux CramFS file system is present and show an icon for it (*)

Detect if the Linux BeFS (BFS) file system is present and show an icon for it (*)

Detect if the Microsoft ReFS file system is present and show an icon for it (*)

New and much faster way to find deleted files and folders in an NTFS file system

(*) Full exploration of this file system is not implemented but now an investigator can see if it is present


Extra tests to make sure a child folder doesn’t have subfolders that are a parent folder, creating circular links, in buggy or recovered file systems

Added a ‘Paranoid mode’ when creating managing IBP/IBQ image files, to make sure all data is flushed to the destination without system caching, and structures are updated regularly

Allow to complete a managed image file from media of which the layout doesn’t fully match, but the risk is manageable [Professional]

Allow to complete a managed image file from another non-managed image file [Professional]

Improved speed when updating the IBP managed image file

Added various extraction type switches via the command line: /ET: A, IBP, WAV, RAW, R2U, RUN, DLL

Added new file system switches via the command line: /EF: see the various newly implemented file systems

Added Pinnacle Studio mastered DVDs to the IFO/VOB recognition sequence (“PCLE UDFLib”)

Added ability (via right mouse click) to see the properties-window-text as text in a memo field (for easy copy and paste)

Support for underscores in function names in the libewf.dll, so that Borland bcc32 built dlls can be used as well

Always display FileName:StreamName, with or without [ADS] appended, for NTFS Alternate Data Streams

Removed registration dialog nag when doing a surface scan on BD media

Improvements in the Extract From-To functionality, dialog and warnings

Make sure testing for encrypted partitions only happens once, not every time the visual node is created (e.g. when switching devices in GUI)

Do not read extra blocks to test for partition encryption if there are enough cached blocks

Updated the ‘Agent’ string when doing an online query, to check for a new version, to be more compatible with modern servers and systems

Reverse the order of AVDP parsing, LBA 512 first rather than 256 first, in case of a CeQuadrat made UDF disc, to deal with CeQuadrat UDF bugs

Get the proper volume name for CeQuadrat made UDF CD-R discs

After an image file has been made, save its filename to the recently opened image files, so that it can be opened immediately from the recent image files’ list

Improved .GI image file interpretation, specifically improvements in finding the header size

Show files and folders with the System property in another color

Show special files, file entries that are not used in the classical way by Unix/Linux file systems, in another color

Show Windows overlay icons and add the shortcut overlay icon to EXT symbolic link files

Added checkbox to options to uncheck using CD-Text in filenames, when audio tracks are extracted

The file-exists dialog now also allows to auto-rename a file, instead of over-writing or ignoring the file (non-Windows file systems allow duplicate but caps-sensitive names in the same folder)

New dialog to auto-rename filenames that are illegal in Windows but OK in other non-Windows file systems

Auto-rename folders, during extraction, when they contain illegal Windows-filename characters or a Windows-reserved file/folder name.

Show Endianess in UFS, XFS, ISO and SquashFS and other File System properties

Improvements in drag&drop functionality and the use of the temporary folder. Better clean-up afterwards

Possibility to always get the RETRY SELECT ABORT error dialog (instead of RETRY OMMIT ABORT) on file extraction

Various improvements, changes and re-writes in the core code / engine, as this is a living project and to deal with the ever growing new functionality

Various GUI improvements


Fixed GUI issue that caused incorrect values to be displayed in certain error messages

Fixed possible hang when EWF image files are loaded

Fixed that sometimes the sanitizing part after finding missing files and folders on a FAT volume could take ‘forever’, due to bad FAT records

Fixed data-corruption issue, introduced in 3.5, while extracting files with more than 10 extents (fragments would be extracted in the wrong order)

Fixed it so that when an IBP/IBQ is made twice in a row from the same media (without a refresh) the bitmap is still fully written out to the IBP

Avoid exception error on bad IBP without (enough) bitmap data (rare test case)

Fixed extraction of named streams of an NTFS folder (not file)

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