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[图形图像]Sweet Home 3D 5.0 中文多语免费版 免费开源的家装辅助设计软件 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2015-07-20 16:16:45

给大家介绍一款免费且易用的 3D 室内效果图制作工具,它就是 Sweet Home 3D。Sweet Home 3D 是一款免费、开源的家装辅助设计软件。

Sweet Home 3D 免费开源的家装辅助设计软件

该安装程序中自带了 jre。软件官方网站同时还提供 Java 网络启动(Java Web Start)和浏览器在线运行的方式,详见同为我翻译的中文官方网页:http://www.sweethome3d.eu/zh-cn/index.jsp。您还可以到软件的官方网站下载软件作者编集发布的附加 3D 模型库(页面地址为 http://www.sweethome3d.eu/importModels.jsp,英语网页,模型库内的名称包含中文语言)。


Sweet Home 3D 就是一套这样的软体,不论是针对专业的室内绘制人员的使用,或者业余的玩家想要绘制自家造型都能靠它来完成。它能帮您通过二维的家居平面图来设计和布置您的家具,还可以用三维的视角浏览整个装修布局的全貌。如果您的手头有现成的房型平面图,您可以将其导入为该软件中的平面图背景,设定好比例后便可直接根据图纸上的现有内容绘制墙体。您对平面图所作的任何更改将会实时地显示在 3D 视图中,所以您随时都可以查看逼真的效果图。

Sweet Home 3D 免费开源的家装辅助设计软件




物件库 – 存有所有家中各区域的家具、门窗等。

平面图编辑区 – 显示绘制的平面图,可以建立墙壁及家具。

场景物件清单 – 显示所有在场景出现的物件,可分别选择不显示物件。

立体预览区 – 以立体的视角实时显示家中布局,可随时转换不同角度。


5.0 更新日志

Added a tool to draw polylines in the plan with various styles.

Added the ability to display baseboards with wall and room modification panes.

Made levels possibly not viewable with the new Viewable check box of their modification pane or with the new Make level unviewable menu item.

Managed levels at the same elevation as layers with an order index that can be set in levels modification pane (may provoke some small changes in existing SH3D files).

Added Edit > Paste style menu item to modify the style of the selected objects from the object of the same type copied in the clipboard.

Added Add point to room and Delete point from room menu items in the contextual menu of the plan.

Added the ability to select objects in furniture groups, edit them and delete them, without the need to ungroup grouped objects.

Added Furniture > Add to group and Edit > Paste to group menu items to add objects to the selected group.

Saved expanded groups in the furniture list.

Added an option in preferences pane to change the default font.

Added the ability to change the font and the color of free texts in their modification pane, as well as to display them in the 3D view at a given elevation.

Added $level variable in print setup dialog box to print the name of the printed level in page header or footer.

Checked the size of the image chosen in the background image and texture import wizards to propose to reduce it if it’s very large.

Displayed an information message once a furniture or textures library import is completed.

Allowed the pitch angle of the point of view to be between -90° and 90°.

Accepted 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 fraction text to be entered when Foot/Inch/Fraction unit is in use.

Fixed the management of negative values in Foot/Inch/Fraction unit.

Improved DAE/Collada format support to accept files with missing data.

Fixed a bug that prevented to render photos at the two highest quality levels when Turkish localization is in use.

Included Dutch localization written by Gerwin Harmsen and Rob van den Berg.

Included Traditional Chinese localization written by Lee Shin-Chun.

Updated French, English and Chinese help pages.

Replaced JRE 6u45 by JRE 8u51 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java under Windows.

Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

下载:家装辅助设计软件(Sweet Home 3D) v5.0官网中文版

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