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[系统软件]WinRAR 5.30 Beta 1 中文汉化版 + x64 + Repack 老牌优秀文档解压缩工具 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2015-07-23 22:22:58

WinRAR 中文版是一款功能强大的压缩包管理器,它是档案工具RAR 在 Windows 环境下的图形界面。该软件可用于备份数据,缩减电子邮件附件的大小,解压缩从 Internet 上下载的 RAR、ZIP及其它类型文件,并且可以新建 RAR 及 ZIP 格式等的压缩类文件。

WinRAR是一个文件压缩管理共享软件,由Eugene Roshal(所以RAR的全名是:Roshal ARchive)开发。首个公开版本RAR 1.3发布于1993年。Pocket RAR是为Pocket PC平台发布的免费软件。它是仅有的几个可以读写RAR文件的软件之一,因为它保留版权。

WinRAR是一个强大的压缩文件管理工具。它能备份你的数据,减少你的 E-mail 附件的大小,解压缩从 Internet 上下载的RAR、ZIP和其他格式的压缩文件,并能创建 RAR 和 ZIP 格式的压缩文件。WinRAR 是流行的压缩工具,界面友好,使用方便,在压缩率和速度方面都有很好的表现。其压缩率比高,3.x 采用了更先进的压缩算法,是压缩率较大、压缩速度较快的格式之一。

WinRAR压缩软件 是 Windows 版本的 RAR 压缩文件管理器,一个允许你创建、管理和控制压缩文件的强大工具。存在一系列的 RAR 版本,应用于数个操作系统环境:Windows、Linux、FreeBSD 、DOS、OS/2、MacOS X。

Eugene Roshal,1972年3月10日生于俄罗斯。毕业于俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克工业大学(Chelyabinsk Technical University),也是FAR文件管理器的作者。他开发程序压缩/解压RAR文件,最初用于DOS,后来移植到其它平台。主要的Windows版本编码器,称为WinRAR,以共享软件的形式发行。不过Roshal公开了解码器源码,UnRAR解码器许可证允许有条件自由发布与修改(条件:不许发布编译RAR兼容编码器)。而RAR编码器一直是有专利的。

最近的开发者是Alexander Roshal。虽然其解码器有专利,编译好的解压程序仍然存在于若干平台,例如开源的7-Zip。尽管业界普遍混乱,似乎没有纯开源模块能解压版本超过2.0的RAR文件

WinRAR 内置程序可以解开CAB、ARJ、LZH、TAR、GZ、ACE、UUE、BZ2、JAR、ISO、Z和7Z等多种类型的档案文件、镜像文件和TAR 组合型文件;具有历史记录和收藏夹功能;新的压缩和加密算法,压缩率进一步提高,而资源占用相对较少,并可针对不同的需要保存不同的压缩配置;固定压缩和多卷自释放压缩以及针对文本类、多媒体类和 PE 类文件的优化算法是大多数压缩工具所不具备的;使用非常简单方便,配置选项也不多,仅在资源管理器中就可以完成你想做的工作;对于 ZIP 和 RAR 的自释放档案文件,点击属性就可以轻易知道此文件的压缩属性,如果有注释,还能在属性中查看其内容;对于 RAR 格式(含自释放)档案文件提供了独有的恢复记录和恢复卷功能,使数据安全得到更充分的保障。

WinRAR 是共享软件。任何人都可以在40天的测试期内使用它。如果你希望在测试过期之后继续使用 WinRAR,你必须注册。

它没有其它附加的许可费用。除了与创建和发布 RAR压缩文件或自解压格式压缩文件相关的注册成本之外,没有其它附加许可费用。合法的注册用户可以使用他们的 RAR副本制作发布压缩文件而无须任何附加的 RAR 版税。 如果你注册了 WinRAR,可以免费升级所有的最新版本。

目前最新的 WinRAR 版本为 WinRAR 5.10 正式版。这个仍是要收费的。

运行环境:Windows 9x 及以上版本。4.00版开始不支持98 me nt系统

* WinRAR 采用独创的压缩算法。这使得该软件比其他同类 PC 压缩工具拥有更高的压缩率,尤其是可执行文件、对象链接库、大型文本文件等。

* WinRAR 支持的文件及压缩包大小达到 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 字节,约合 9000 PB 。事实上,对于压缩包而言,文件数量是没有限制


Version 5.30 beta 1

1. Added extraction of multipart ZIP archives created by 7-Zip.

Such archives have .zip.001, .zip.002, … file extensions.

You need to open .zip.001 file in WinRAR shell to browse

or unpack such archive. All parts must be stored in the same folder

before starting extraction.

2. Added extraction of files split to multiple parts with .001,

.002, …, extensions. You can open .001 file as a usual archive

and then unpack its contents. WinRAR will combine all parts

and save them to extracted file. All parts must be stored

in the same folder before starting extraction.

“001″ item is included to “Associate WinRAR with” list

in “Settings/Integration” dialog.

3. WinRAR file list allows to use mouse Back and Forward buttons

or Alt+Left and Alt+Right keyboard shortcuts to navigate

in recently visited folders.

4. Folder wildcards are allowed in RAR command line in file names to

archive. For example:

rar a backup c:\backup\2015*\*

Recursion is enabled automatically for such folder wildcards

even if -r switch is not specified.

5. “Extract” button in SFX archive is changed to “Pause” when extraction

is started, so it is possible to pause SFX extraction and resume it


6. “Skip encrypted” option in “Find files” dialog to silently skip

encrypted archives while performing search command.

7. Archive test command works for tar.gz, tar.bz2 and tar.xz archives.

Since TAR format does not provide file data checksums, WinRAR checks

only validity of GZIP, BZIP2 or XZ container.

8. Adding a new string to WinRAR diagnostic messages window could be

slow and affect the operation performance in case of thousands

of errors. Now it works fast regardless of errors number.

9. New ‘R’ object for -sc switch defines encoding of console

RAR messages sent to redirected files and pipes. For example:

rar lb -scur data > list.txt

will produce Unicode list.txt with archived file names.

10. Sleep time parameter in -ri<priority>[:<sleep_time>] switch is

adjusted to lower its impact to RAR performance and especially

to recovery record related operations. Higher sleep time values

are needed to reduce the system load to same level as

in previous versions.

11. Console RAR “l” and “v” commands display file time in YYYY-MM-DD


12. When extracting RAR and ZIP archives created in Unix, WinRAR maps

decomposed Unicode characters to precomposed. Such conversion

is required for some Unix and OS X archives to correctly unpack

non-English archived names in Windows. It works for Windows versions

starting from Windows Vista.

13. Modification time is set for all folders created when unpacking

.7z archives. Previous versions set it only for non-empty folders.

14. WinRAR prevents a computer to go to sleep by inactivity timeout

until current operation, such as archiving, extraction or another

archive processing, is done.

15. Total progress bar is displayed when extracting .arj, .lzh and .cab

archives (except multivolume archives).

16. Progress bar is displayed when deleting files after archiving

and when clearing “Archive” attribute of archived files.

17. “Test” command also verifies contents of NTFS alternate data streams

in RAR 3.x – 5.x archives. Previously their contents was checked

only during extraction command.

18. Bugs fixed:

a) console RAR crashed instead of displaying an overwrite prompt

when attempting to add files to already existing volumes;

b) console RAR “lt” command did not display seconds in file timestamp;

c) WinRAR failed to decompress .xxe files if they did not include

“section N of xxencode” string in the body;

d) WinRAR could not restore contents of NTFS alternate data stream

saved with -os switch if it was split between different volumes.

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