Maxprog iCash 是一款个人财务管理软件,它可以控制你的个人财务,记录收益、支出、赊欠、债券和银行业务,非常适用于个人理财的软件工具。Maxprog iCash 帮助你管理你的私人广告筹措资金,追踪收入,花费,信用,债务和银行交易。随着一些鼠标动作你就能够开始创建账户,做出交易。
Maxprog iCash是为了控制个人财务,保持跟踪软件收入,支出,贷款,债务和你银行的交易。那么简单,你需要创建帐户并移动它们之间的钱!你甚至不需要知道它甚至会计或有关关怀!你的财务状况在很大程度上取决于良好的组织,让你知道你的钱来自哪里,并在那里去。Maxprog iCash 是一个易于使用,功能齐全,多用途的个人财务管理的 Macintosh 和 Windows 工具旨在帮助您控制各种资金问题。 iCash 可以成为几个小会计或者私人用户需求,或俱乐部,协会,自雇人士,小企业或仅仅是在家里使用,使收入保持跟踪,费用和银行的交易一单元。通过几次点击就可以开始创建帐户并在几分钟内交易。Maxprog iCash 通用和用户友好。这个原因,它不使用的双簿记它更容易使对非常少甚至没有会计知识使用。简单地创建您的所有费用,收入,银行帐户…它们之间移动,并开始赚钱! iCash 然后让你找出所有的钱的来源和去处。所有帐户有良好的组织根据用户定义的类和内置的类型,以便报告可定制,以包括所有记录或会议指定的唯一标准。 iCash还允许你有尽可能多的基金经理作为必要的文件,因此您可以控制几乎任何东西,从俱乐部,社团,家庭和在同一时间等。
Maxprog iCash 7.5.4 更新日志
[Upg] Groups/Splits now indicate if they contain attachments with a Clip icon.
[Upg] The СLast TransactionsТ window you get in the transaction panel now is bigger and includes the date.
[Upg] A new ‘Help > What’s new’ menu let’s the user read the version history from newer to older.
[Upg] After transactions are duplicated or transferred, duplicated/transferred transactions are now selected.
[Upg] Old fashioned buttons have been updated to match current system interface design.
[Upg] The transaction amount field now has a contextual menu from where numbers can be pasted from the clipboard.
[Upg] The password verification window now shakes when the password is wrong (Mac only).
[Upg] You can now use up and down arrows directly inside the tracking number field.
[Chg] The application no longer depends on any Carbon libraries on Mac OS X, Cocoa only.
[Chg] When the scheduler adds a transaction the tax type is now set to the destination account tax type if tax is 0.
[Chg] The transaction panel now uses combo boxes controls instead of the combination of text field and pull-down menus.
[Chg] The transaction edition window now uses combo boxes controls instead of the combination of text field and pull-down menus.
[Chg] The number of comments is no longer limited in the transaction panel.
[Chg] The number of comments in the transaction favorites editor is no longer limited to 15 but 50.
[Fix] Issue when using the СImport from an Account StatementТ window on MS Windows.
[Fix] Aesthetics glitches on the СImport from an Account StatementТ window on MS Windows.
[Fix] Payment Summary report issue when selecting all payees and a given project.
[Fix] Several menus related to attachments are no longer active for groups and multiple selections.
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