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[行业软件]InnovMetric PolyWorks 2014 IR4 官网最新版 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2016-01-10 09:26:03

PolyWorks:标准点云工程解决方案 成立于1994年加拿大魁北克,InnovMetric软件在制造领域拥有世界上最大的高密度点云软件客户群。领先的汽车和航空OEM制造商,如宝马、波音、戴-克、福特、通用、本田、劳斯莱斯、丰田和大众及其供应商,在日常的点云扫描、尺寸分析、比较至CAD和逆向工程作业中使用PolyWorks。

InnovMetric PolyWorks 2014 IR4 | 1.2 Gb
InnovMetric Software Inc. is proud to presented the 2014 IR4 release of the PolyWorks universal 3D metrology software platform is focused on enhancing measurement quality, repeatability, and productivity.

Defining the cutting edge of 3D metrology, the PolyWorks software suite maximizes productivity, quality, and profitability when integrating 3D measurement technologies into an industrial manufacturing process. From part and tool design and prototyping down to final inspection of assembled products, PolyWorks offers advanced solutions to cover the complete product development cycle. Interfacing directly with major brands and technologies of single-point and point cloud 3D measurement devices through plug-in extension modules, this universal platform also supports a wide array of native point cloud and polygonal model file formats. With its fully customizable user interface and powerful, user-friendly macro programming language, PolyWorks offers the most adaptable software solution on the 3D metrology market. This flexibility allows our customers to successfully develop and deploy automatic inspection processes or guided operator-driven workflows for effective shop floor operations.
What's new in InnovMetric PolyWorks 2014:whats-new-polyworks-2014

About InnovMetric Software

Founded in 1994 and headquartered in Quebec, QC, Canada, with subsidiaries worldwide, InnovMetric Software Inc. is the leading provider of universal 3D metrology software solutions. The world’s largest industrial manufacturing organizations (Toyota, GM, Volkswagen, Honda, BMW, Daimler, Ford, Rolls-Royce, Pratt & Whitney, Boeing, Embraer, Bombardier, Apple, and many more) trust InnovMetric’s PolyWorks® software solutions and associated technical services to maximize the benefits of 3D measurement technologies for their engineering and manufacturing applications.

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