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[绿色软件]代码编辑器 PSPad Editor 4.6.0 Portable 官网中文免费版 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2016-04-05 13:14:30

软件标签:PSPad Editor 

下载:pspad中文版|PSPad editor编辑器绿色中文特别版免费下载

PSPad editor 是一款集各种编辑器的优点于一身的免费文本编辑器,支持简体中文界面。它同时编辑多个文件,可以使用 project;内置HEX编辑器;支持宏的录制和使用;支持语法高亮和彩色显示,HTML,PHP,Pascal,JScript,VBScript,SQL,Perl,JAVA…;内置文件比较工具;支持宏的录制和使用;内置FTP工具;可以针对不同的文件类型设置对应的外部工具;支持外部编译器。不过其打开文件的速度似乎不如 Editplus。当然,优秀的代码编辑器有很多,本站(www.dayanzai.me)也有给大家推荐 Notepad++,UltraEdit,UEStudio 等等经典的代码编辑器。

PSPad editor 功能介绍









MD5校验: 对给定的一段文本生成MD5,或校验文件的MD5

Lorem ipsum generator:生成一段Lorem ipsum文字



最强的是剪辑(Ctrl+Space)和自动完成(Ctrl+J)功能,它能帮助你快速高效的生成部分代码!这个用IDE的程序员都会知道。对与Web开发,PSPad的菜单“网页”里面提供了页面预览、格式化HTML代码、压缩、格式化CSS、集成Top Style、集成TiDy等功能。在菜单“帮助”的“在线工具”里面提供了Link检查、HTML校验、CSS校验、HTML TiDy等一系列工具。PSPad不愧为程序员的编辑器!

当然,PSPad 也有缺点,由于底层采用 SynEdit,所以 Unicode 支持不太好,另外换行(word wrap)问题始终没解决,作者干脆去掉了这个功能。我觉得如果不是读代码,而是写代码,直接设置格式为UTF-8基本没问题,换行功能也基本没用。作者很积极,一直在完善 SynEdit 和 PSPad,也许不久就会有个完全支持 Unicode 的 PSPad。


PSPad Editor v4.6.0 10/03/2015 更新日志

PSPad start speed up optimalization

New Oberon 2 Code explorer

New action aRightEdgeToCursor (Set right edge to cursor position). In the program settings / KeyMap / Show you can assign shortcut for quick change of the right edge position

MS-Dos batch highlighter was renamed to Windows Shell Script

JSON – new user highlighter including code explorer

MarkCurrentFileTab – new parameter in special settings (default 0). If you set it to 1, PSPad will underline active file tab.

Cursor Edge – new functionality what shows vertical line similar to RightEdge on the cursor position. New option in the Program settings / Editor 1, OFF as default

InfoBasic – new code parser for user highlighter

Highlighter settings – added possibility to set real tabs individually for highlighter. Please notice, that checkbox has 3 states. Grayed means PSPad will respect Program settings.

Set bookmark – function was extended to set/delete bookmark

Search/Replace in files – if isn’t checked option in Program settings / Tools for prefill search field with current word/selected text, PSPad will use last used search string

TiDy and PHP beautifier – possibility to define shortcuts for profiles. Format: [profile name*shortcut]

Right edge – possibility to set it highlighter depending (Highlighter settings)

Find in files dialog – new switch on dialog which allows let dialog open after search

Calculate block – improved different number format handling

Code explorer for QBasic

PSPad will check file change after external application run – case when external application changes open file/s

Code explorer – added support for FiveWin

User highlighter – possibility to define own escape char

Code explorer for Autohotkey – class support added

External file diff tool (Program settings / Text Difference). Is possible to set up externa file compare tool which will be used instead of the integrated one.

XML converter – new user highlighter + Code explorer (Michael Seume )

New option ForceSaveWork=0/1 (Program settings / Direct edit) will save open and recent files after each change instead of program close

Autocomplete was rewrited to unicode.

HTML templates – changed charset to utf-8

When language is changed in Program settings, PSPad will show localization help request if language file contains more than 10 untranslated strings.

Current File tab highlight – new option HighlightCurrentFileTab in [special settings] section (Program settings / Direct edit button) with values 1/0 (ON/OFF)

new function Open in new instance – opens current window in new PSPad instance. Menu Window or file tab context menu. You can assign shortcut in program settings / KeyMap under Window section

Special settings section in Program settings will be always sorted alphabetically. Is necessary to use OK or Apply button once.

problem with close tab with splitted window

ABB code explorer – fixed function detection

File tab context menu – fixed translation of File tab color

File locking with R/O attribute

Code clips (Ctrl+space) – fixed list draw with extreme DPI

Autocomplete (Ctrl+J) – fixed list draw with extreme DPI

PSPad start with parameter in case PSpad is running, parameter starts with switch and path isn’t enclosed by quotas

search in files dialog and selected text in editor wasn’t filled in in search box

Code explorer for Java Script – fixed default alphabetical sort

AutoComplete – fixed writing with accented chars

Fixed save file to OEM with semigraphic

UTF-8 surrogate pair support

Statusbar doesn’t show unicode chars correctly. Now it shows correctly surrogate pairs too

Highlighter settings – document comment settings was limited to 2 chars

If file wasn’t open as UTF-8 (invalid characters), PSPad will open it as ANSI

Highlight syntax limit wasn’t accepted when file was restored on PSpad start

Default current line color is used if highlight syntax is off

Code explorer – C++ code without functions

File with R/O attribute doesn’t set R/O status

horizontal line behind the last char with some fonts

Code explorer for Autohotkey – wrong listed function call inside function and some other small fixes

BAT highlighter – fixes in echo line

File locking – missing information File is locked by another user during open

File locking with R/O attribute with Save All function

Cancel answer during close process

BAT highlighter – highlighting of the labels after CALL, exclamation variables, new conditional words

HTML check menu item problem was disabled in some cases

File attributes in files with unicode chars in file name

LaTex – highlight matching {} brackets

Code explorer for FiveWin detects CLASS in block comments

Parameter %input% history for external application or compiler

BAT highlighter – fixed brackets in coditions with variables

Current tab highlight for non themed Windows

HEX editor – handled situation when bytes per column was set to 1 and view was switched from text to HEX mode for unicode file

WindowSplit – tab width defined in Highlighter

File open – restore state – bookmarks behind the end of the file won’t be restored

Search in files – problem with search directory history and state

BAT highlighter – fix of the case %( in string, Call and another fixes

Print – folder name is shortened to prevent file stamp ovewrite

PHP highlighter – fixed problem /*/

BAT highlighter – label in CALL and variables include modifiers

Right edge wasn’t visible with cursor edge active

Right dock panel width change possibility

Find/Replace in files – store recent items

下载地址:PSPad Editor中文版|代码编辑器 PSPad Editor 4.6.0 Portable 官网中文免费版免费下载

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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2016-04-05 21:26:08