VMware Horizon 7.10.0 Standard独立版本发布了,VMware Horizon7是一款专业的强大的云虚拟操作系统,并且是官方专业版本,并且附有详细的桌面虚拟化 VMware Horizon view 7安装及管理手册,欢迎有需要的前来下载!
最新VMware Horizon 7 key 永久企业版注册码,亲测通过
VMware Horizon是桌面和虚拟化软件的领先且高效的软件名称。该软件能够为您提供通过软件环境在线连接和虚拟化桌面,所有应用程序和服务所需的条件。该软件能够将静态桌面转换为用户所需的安全和数字空间。您面前的软件是强大的团队的产物,当然还有熟悉的VMware名称,其中包含虚拟化所需的一切。
VMware Horizon软件的设计和开发能够将您的资源和数据显着存储在虚拟存储环境中,以便于管理。该软件的创建者还认为,您面前的产品完全符合现有法律,并确保您的信息和数据的安全性。此版本的VMware Group虚拟化产品也尝试为用户界面提供现代用户界面架构,使用户比以前更容易,更快捷。
VMware Horizon软件的功能和特性:- 受益于精心设计的用户界面,方便用户使用
- 虚拟化领域的非凡表现
- 适用于Linux和Windows操作系统
- 提供对该软件的完全管理和访问
- 您可以轻松访问智能政策
- 简化所有桌面服务的身份验证
- 集成此软件,具有精确的数据中心合规性,如vSphere,vSAN和NSX
- 本软件保证您的数据和信息的安全性
资源列表Horizon 7 Standard Edition
VMware Horizon 7.9.0 Standard
VMware Workstation 15.0 Pro for Windows
VMware ThinApp 5.2.4
VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7
VMware vCenter Server 6.7.0d
VMware vCenter Server 6.0 U2M (Migration)
VMware NSX for vSphere 6.4.3
VMware vRealize® Log Insight™ 4.6.1 for vCenter™
VMware Horizon 7 version 7.10 Overview VMware announced the availability of Horizon 7 Version 7.10, CART 5.2, App Volumes 2.18 and DEM 9.9. While many know that CART, which stands for Client Agent Release Train, is the client software that is used to connect to a Horizon desktop or application, many may have missed the announcement that VMware changed the name of User Environment Manager (UEM) to Dynamic Environment Manager (DEM). Both Horizon 7.10 and App Volumes 2.18 have been tagged as Extended Service Branch (ESB) releases. These ESB releases will have active support for two years and will have a service pack (SP) release in six, nine and 15 months. As VMware continues to release their software more often, ESB gives VMware's customers a stable release for companies that have tight requirements on the versions of software they can deploy. This release does have one huge enhancement in it, as well as a few other improvements. The most visible change is that by adding new functionality to the HTML5-based Horizon Console, VMware is accelerating the move away from the Flash-based Horizon Administrator for the management of Horizon. This release also enhanced some Remote Desktop Services Hosts (RDSH) capabilities and troubleshooting capabilities in Horizon 7.10. The biggest change in Horizon is that it now supports REST APIs. This is huge because it allows Horizon customers and partners the ability to access Horizon (enterprise edition only) using the tools of their choice rather than having to go through PowerCLI. This release only supports the monitoring functions in Horizon, and you will not be able to make changes to your Horizon environment. Horizon Console now has a Dashboard tab that shows services that are in use, the status of the sessions and the overall health of the system (Figure 1). Some of the tasks that you can now accomplish using Horizon Console are; select multiple virtual desktops to perform actions (logoff, delete, reset, etc.) on them; show the load status (protocol sessions, broker sessions, etc.) of the Connection Server; show the number of RDSH and available sessions of each RDSH host; display how long a desktop has been idle; and create a desktop pool for floating desktops. These capabilities bring Horizon Console roughly to feature parity with Horizon Administrator, except for the ability to manage ThinApp and Security Servers. VMware also has made changes that will improve Horizon Console's performance, will give better error messages when provisioning instant clones and will provide more information about configuration objects via icons (Figure 2). Horizon Console will now warn you when your session is about to expire. One of the long needed features in Horizon 7.10 is that you can now take an existing RDSH application pool, duplicate it and then change some of its attributes. This is a small enhancement but one that will be greatly appreciated by Horizon administrators because they will no longer need to go through the trouble of having to create an RDSH pool from scratch to change its attributes. VMware also enhanced load balancing for RDSH farms. Previously for RDSH applications, load balancing was based on active session count or CPU or memory load, and RDSH desktops were based on active session count regardless of the CPU/memory load. The UI now has a plethora of factors from which to choose for load balancing (Figure 3). Horizon 7.10 supports the NVIDIA RTX 6000 and 8000 GPUs, Windows 10 Education edition, and Windows 10 1903. On the agent side, VMware has made performance improvements to the Blast that will lower the amount of CPU usage. When the agent is installed on a Windows Server, the Remote Desktop Services (RDS) role will automatically be installed if needed. The agent now supports Windows 10 1909 and Red Hat 8. CART 5.2 supports many different devices, and each device supports a different set of features. The Windows, Mac and Linux clients each have an audio optimization pack for Microsoft Teams, and there is audio and video optimization for the Windows client. It has a new Codec in Blast that will lower its bandwidth requirements and will automatically switch between H.264/H.265 and JPG/PNG based on what is being displayed on the virtual desktop. The Mac client now joins the Linux and Windows clients in being able to use the H.265 (HVEC) hardware decoder, which will result in 25 percent to 50 percent better compression. VMware changed UEM to DEM with this release to avoid confusion with products from other vendors also named UEM. DEM 9.9 has a tool to evaluate Active Directory conditions and the ability to collect diagnostic data to help diagnose problems with DEM. App Volumes 2.18 adds IPv6 support that can be used in a mixed IPv6 and IPv4 or in a pure IPv6 environment. You can now perform a no-outage rolling upgrade to App Volumes. The interface has a Jobs tab that is used to configure all App Volumes background jobs. Release Notes for VMware Horizon 7 version 7.10 - Date: 17 September 2019 What's New in This Release VMware Horizon 7 version 7.10 provides the following new features and enhancements. This information is grouped by installable component. - Product Enhancements- Horizon Connection Server On-Premises- Horizon Agent for Linux- Horizon Agent- Horizon GPO Bundle- Horizon Client- Horizon 7 Cloud Connector- Horizon 7 Deployed on VMware Cloud on AWS For information about full list of new and improved features please refer to the release notes购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。