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[系统软件]AppPerfect Web Test crack [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2018-12-07 21:24:10
File size: 157/167 MB
All software are designed and developed to meet and satisfy certain functional needs. A functional need may be technical, business, or process based. Functional Testing is the process by which expected behavior of an application can be tested. Implementing functional testing for your application early in the software development cycle speeds up development, improves quality and reduces risks towards the end of the cycle. Most software undergo changes over a period of time.

These changes may occur during the course of a single release, or across multiple releases. Any change to the software increases the chance of errors or bugs being introduced that breaks existing functionality (called a Regression). Regression Testing is the process of frequently re-testing a software to ensure known existing behavior or functionality is not broken. AppPerfect Web Test is a fully Automated Web Functional Testing and Regression Testing software. Any application accessible via a Web browser can be tested. AppPerfect Functional Tester is designed for developers as well as QA professionals. It provides a rich set of features in an easy-to-use manner that makes both groups productive immediately.
At the heart, AppPerfect Web Test provides support for "recording" Web browser events and "replaying" them automatically. Automated Web functional testing can save a substantial amount of time and resources that would be otherwise spent on trying to test the system manually. As the size and complexity of applications have grown, it has become increasingly difficult to ensure functional compliance and to ensure no regressions over time. Even a small size project can generate excessive permutations and combinations of test cases that are too big for a human to test consistently and continually. AppPerfect Web Test automates this task for you and helps you improve the quality of your Web applications and drastically reduces the time it would take to get your product out into the market.
Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version


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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2020-05-05 15:32:25