3D Systems发布了Cimatron版本14的更新。凭借200多项新功能和增强功能,Cimatron 14为整个运营范围内的制造车间提供了重大优势和更多用户价值。从工具设计到NC编程,这个最新版本有助于确保我们的客户在竞争激烈的市场中比以往更高效。
About Cimatron 14. CimatronE is an integrated CAD/CAM solution for toolmakers and manufacturers of discrete parts, which provides full associativity across the manufacturing process from quoting, through design and up to delivery. Products include: Mold Design, Electrode Design, Die Design, 2.5 to 5-Axis NC Programming and 5-Axis Discrete part production. CimatronE is designed for concurrent engineering (multi-user or single-user) and works on the principle of flexible automation, providing a wealth of automated features but always ensuring full user control.With over 200 new features and enhancements, Cimatron 14 offers major benefits and more user value to manufacturing shops across their entire range of operations. From Tool design through NC programming, this latest version helps to ensure that our customers are more productive than ever, in their competitive marketplace.NC– New cutting strategies allow faster machining time with the use of cutters such as Barrel, Oval, Lens Tools. Overall reducing Rough machining time by an average of 20%. A new Guided Cleanup process allows controlling the milling direction of each region in Cleanup. Improved 5-axis Tilting toolpath and guiding curves for user controlled tilting.A large number of new and improved capabilities that boost programming automation for plate machining, such as the Facing procedure, automatic Chamfer Recognition, wider Pocket Recognition capabilities and more functionality of Automated Drill as well as using templates for pocket automation. Die– New integrated incremental analysis options enable the user to accurately simulate the design, and find design flaws before the manufacturing process. Users can see whether they have carrier or material problems, non-desirable punch results or SpringBack, as well as incorrect press force definitions. New advanced Die design geometry tools such as Addendum faces and Fuzzy Offset were added to extend the application capabilities. CAD for Tooling – Many long requested enhancements in Part, Assembly and Drafting were implemented for faster and easier design. New enhancements to the Mesh kernel of Cimatron with operations such as a new robust selection tool that was introduce for Split/Copy and Add/Remove commands. In addition, Advance 3D Text capability is now available for mesh and solid. Mold & Electrode – New functions and enhancements for faster and safer Mold design such as Hole (Cooling) verification, Hole (Library) recognition and handling of ejectors with different diameters.PLM Integration with Windchill – An integration with PTC Windchill PLM system. This Integration allows Windchill users who work with Cimatron files to perform Windchill operations (such as sync, check out/in, etc.) from within a Cimatron assembly or from the Cimatron browser.Learn how you can reduce number of Die Design tryouts with the integration between Cimatron Die Design and Autoform ProgSim Simulation tool 版本14中有什么新功能:
NC - 新的切削策略允许使用诸如Barrel,Oval,Lens Tools之类的刀具加快加工时间。总体上将粗加工时间平均减少了20%。新的Guided Cleanup过程允许在Cleanup中控制每个区域的铣削方向。改进的5轴倾斜刀具路径和引导曲线,用于用户控制的倾斜。大量新的和改进的功能可以提高板材加工的编程自动化程度,例如Facing程序,自动倒角识别,更宽的口袋识别功能和自动钻孔的更多功能,以及使用口袋自动化模板。
模具 - 新的集成增量分析选项使用户能够准确地模拟设计,并在制造过程之前发现设计缺陷。用户可以查看它们是否存在载体或材料问题,不希望的冲压结果或SpringBack,以及不正确的压力定义。添加了新的高级模具设计几何工具,如附录面和模糊偏移,以扩展应用程序功能。
用于工具的CAD - 为了更快,更容易的设计,实现了零件,装配和绘图中许多长期要求的增强功能。Cimatron的Mesh内核的新增强功能,例如为Split / Copy和Add / Remove命令引入的新的强大选择工具。此外,Advance 3D Text功能现在可用于网格和实体。
模具和电极 - 更快,更安全的新功能和增强模具设计,如孔(冷却)验证,孔(库)识别和不同直径喷射器的处理。
PLM与Windchill集成 - 与PTC Windchill PLM系统集成。此集成允许使用Cimatron文件的Windchill用户从Cimatron程序集或Cimatron浏览器中执行Windchill操作(例如同步,签出/输入等)。
Cimatron e14安装汉化激活教程 1.本站Cimatron e14安装包,解压ios文件包,可以获得安装包,汉化包,破解文件和一些工具!安装之前我们需要先配置环境

2.运行Cim破解+屏蔽931注册表.reg 。

补充说明:如果局域网内有多台电脑安装了Ci14,导致不能访问内网的,可以手动更改不同的计算机名, 只要确保计算机名的第一个字母是u,最后一个字母是r即可, 比如u123ser、uccdr、uabcr、uar、ummmr等等等。

4.重启电脑后,打开《开机后检测931》文件夹,使用检测931检测说明。 ①、双击, 检测931。 检测结果:一般故障,说明成功屏蔽931,关闭窗口。 检测结果:请求超时或其它提示,说明屏蔽931不成功,要再次运行注册表重新重启电脑。
②、双击, 检测931。 检测结果:一般故障,说明成功屏蔽931,关闭窗口。 检测结果:请求超时或其它提示,说明屏蔽931不成功,要再次运行注册表重新重启电脑。

7.双击\Cimatron\Disk1\setup.exe 进行安装,请注意必须由正确的管理员启动
8.点conyinue installation
9.点击 下一步[img]http://www.sdbeta.com/uploads/allimg/180416/1-1P41621312R33.jpg[/img]10.允许用户协议[img]http://www.sdbeta.com/uploads/allimg/180416/1-1P4162131343N.jpg[/img]11.选择安装目录[img]http://www.sdbeta.com/uploads/allimg/180416/1-1P416213139229.jpg[/img]12.确认无误后,点击下一步开始安装[img]http://www.sdbeta.com/uploads/allimg/180416/1-1P416213145300.jpg[/img]
15.双击\补丁+汉化\Cimatron14 汉化中文包.exe 进行安装直接安装完毕。 [img]http://www.sdbeta.com/uploads/allimg/180417/1-1P41FU44C09.png[/img]
║ Windows7系统 ║║ ║
║ ┬⑴●物理网卡号设置为(MAC)AC220B82D501● ║║ │ ┌☆1.安装2个VirtNet虚拟网卡驱动,附带安装包里 ║
║ └⑵●安装过E11和Ci14网卡号●├☆2. 第一个是CE11 VirtNet:3085A994CF91 ║║ └☆3. 第二个是Ci14 VirtNet#2:AC220B82D501 ║
╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗║ Windows8或10更新系统 ║
║ ║║ ┬⑴●物理网卡号设置为(MAC)AC220B82D501● ║
║ │ ┌☆1.安装1个VirtNet虚拟网卡驱动(附带文件里) ║║ └⑵●安装过E11和Ci14网卡号●├☆2.自带的网卡驱动,网络地址:AC220B82D501 ║
║ └☆3.第一个是CE11 VirtNet:3085A994CF91 ║╚═══════════════════════════════════════╝
⑴●物理网卡号设置AC220B82D501 方法:http://www.sdbeta.com/mf/2018/0417/221896.html
继续在设备管理器找到我们安装的驱动如图 右键选择属性
19.运行Ci14的主程序目录下面的cimlicmanager.exe (默认:\Program Files\3D Systems\Cimatron\14.0\Program\cimlicmanager.exe) 指定授权目录为C盘里面的Ci14_Crack文件夹,点击保存按钮,然后关闭授权管理器
20.运行Ci14的主程序下面的GetNodeIDs.exe (默认C:\Program Files\3D Systems\Cimatron\14.0\Program\GetNodeIDs.exe) 看看第三行的秘钥(Key)的值是不是为02tqab110a71c400833b30e0
22.删除Ci14的主程序下面的3DSystemsUpgradeVersion.exe(默认C:\Program Files\3D Systems\Cimatron\14.0\Program\3DSystemsUpgradeVersion.exe)
23.再次运行软件,可以看到授权激活完成,所有功能都可以免费使用了 关于CimatronE。CimatronE是一种集成的CAD / CAM解决方案,适用于模具制造商和分立零件制造商,可提供从报价,设计到交付的整个制造过程的完全关联性。产品包括:模具设计,电极设计,模具设计,2.5至5轴数控编程和5轴离散零件生产。CimatronE专为并行工程(多用户或单用户)而设计,其工作原理是灵活自动化,提供丰富的自动化功能,但始终确保完全的用户控制。
关于3D Systems。 3D Systems提供先进而全面的3D数字设计和制造解决方案,包括3D打印机,打印材料和定制设计零件。其强大的生态系统通过使用其广泛的材料选择(包括塑料,弹性体,金属和生物相容材料)使用户能够将他们的想法变为现实,从而改变整个行业。3D Systems领先的个性化医疗功能包括端到端仿真,培训和规划,以及患者特定手术器械以及医疗和牙科设备的打印。其3D数字设计,制造和检测产品提供无缝的互操作性,并采用最新的沉浸式计算技术。3D Systems的产品和服务破坏了传统方法,提供了改进的结果,并使客户能够立即制造未来。
产品: 3D Systems Cimatron
版本: 14正式版+ SP3,目录
支持体系结构: x64
网站主页: http: //www.3dsystems.com
系统要求: PC
支持的操作系统: Windows 7甚至更高版本/ Server 2008或2012
软件先决条件: 3D Systems Cimatron 14
尺寸:Cimatron 14(版本14.0000.1566.513)带目录的1.8 Gb + 5.8 Gb SP3