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[行业软件]BETA-CAE Systems 18.1.5 中文 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-03-17 21:56:48

BETA-CAE Systems 18.1.5 | 2.0 Gb

BETA CAE Systems announces the release of the new ANSA/EPILYSIS/META suite 18.1.5. Apart from fixes in the detected issues, this version hosts a couple of noteworthy enhancements as well.

Enhancements and known issues resolved in ANSA

Enhancements in ANSA
- Model Browser
The "DM Update Status" column, which displays the status of the loaded Model Browser containers in DM, now shows a new, color-coded status for those items that have changed since they were downloaded from DM and therefore, they need to be saved again.
Known issues resolved in ANSA
- CAD to ANSA Translators
Parallel worker processes could still be running, in case the main ANSA was terminated before finish.
- Model Browser
Parts - Replace: During Part replacement, affected connections, which were not previously applied, would be realized. Moreover, upon the replacement of a Part, unrealized connections would be realized, while connections with FE-Representation and Status not 'ok' would not be re-applied.
- Data Management
DM Browser - Download: Upon the download of a Subsystem, which was saved in DM as keyword File Type with references to its parts, the multi-instance parts would be merged in one part.
- Connections & Assembly
Spotwelds: The realization of Spotweld connections that lay on PID bounds or FE perimeters would fail.
- Volume Mesh
Batch Mesh: Fix Quality Parameters would not be read, in case ANSA database was saved in version(s) prior to v18.0.0.
Scripting - mesh.ExtrudeTranslate(): Function would not work properly, resulting in an error message.
- Abaqus
Checks - Penetration [Property Thickness] – Contacts: Unexpected termination could occur, when performing Fix or Show Only operation, in case springs had penetrated nodes.
Known issues resolved in META
- Modal Response & FRF Assembly
FRF component in FRF Assembly tool defined as "Nastran FRF" with punch file in SORT2 format was not read correctly, causing erroneous calculation results.
- Report Composer
When trying to add active page using the command ‘report presentation addpage workspace active’, page 0 would always be added.
- User Toolbars
Crash & Safety - IIHS: Interface for the List selection of nodes from Time History files would not work properly for LS-DYNA results.

About BETA CAE Systems 18. Version 18 of the BETA suite contains old favorites such as ANSA, EPILYSIS and META, as well as a new product dubbed KOMVOS-SDM Console. For those unfamiliar with this software package, here’s a brief summary and an overview of the new updates.

ANSA is a CAE pre-processing tool that takes existing CAD data from various other software (e.g., Catia, NX and Pro-E) and cleans the data up and meshes it ready for use in the FEA solver. The updates to ANSA v18.0.0 include a remote viewer, which enables users to control ANSA on their PCs from mobile devices anywhere in the world. In addition, ANSA includes updates to meshing that allow mid-surfacing capabilities, a new Align Manager fixing tool and new algorithms for extrusions.

EPILYSIS is the proprietary FEA solver that lets users run a variety of simulations, including structural linear, dynamic and nonlinear, and is designed to be used with high performance computing (HPC) systems. New updates include performance enhancements, new contact simulation methods and a bunch of new tools aimed at the automotive industry,such as a new mode for dummy seat penetration that models spring deformation under the seat model (for crash simulations).

META is the post-processing package that allows users to clean up the results of their simulations, and add pretty 3D graphics based on results from a range of popular solvers, including Fluent and OpenFOAM. The new version includes a new animation bar, the ability for remote control using a mobile device, and new visualization enhancements such as rendering materials and new lighting modes.

And the new addition, KOMVOS-SDM Console, provides users with new simulation data management tools that allow for interactive browsing, visualization and handling of all data related to the CAE simulation analysis, which in turn makes it easy to generate results and reports.




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About BETA CAE Systems. BETA CAE Systems is a private engineering software company committed to the development of state of the art CAE software systems that meet the requirements of all simulation disciplines. The company’s products, the ANSA pre-processor/ EPILYSIS solver and META post-processor suite, and SPDRM, the simulation-process-data-and-resources manager, hold a worldwide leading position across a range of industries, including the automotive, railway vehicles, aerospace, motorsports, chemical processes engineering, energy, electronics, heavy machinery, power tools, and biomechanics.

Product: BETA CAE Systems
Version: 18.1.5
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.beta-cae.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 2.0 Gb


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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2019-05-05 19:58:00