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[行业软件]SolidCAD/CAM Suite 2019 SP2 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-04-05 22:13:05

SolidCAD/CAM Suite 2019 SP2 | 10.1 Gb
Languages: 中文, Čeština, Dansk, Nederlands, English, Français, Deutsch, עברית, Magyar,
Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Polski, Português, Русский, Español, Türkçe.

SolidCAM Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of SolidCAD/CAM Suite 2019 SP2, is the complete, ‘best-in-class’ Manufacturing Suite for efficient and profitable CNC-Programming standalone.

About SolidCAD/CAM Suite. SolidCAD/CAM Suite provides a powerful, easy-to-use, complete CAD/CAM solution that support the complete range of major manufacturing applications including 2.5D Milling, Multi-sided Indexial 4/5 axes Milling, Simultaneous 5 axes Milling, Turning, Mill-Turn for Multi-Turret and Multi-Spindle CNC machines, with the revolutionary iMachining, provides the complete functionality of CAD and CAM, including iMachining.

SolidCAD/CAM Suite is an extremely powerful tool for machined part programming. The powerful geometry selection and creation tools found within design environment are rounded out with specialist tools in SolidCAM. The combination of these tools minimizes the time spent selecting areas to be machined or limited from machining. The user works in assembly mode so he/she can simply pull components from a library to model entire setups, including machine tables, fixtures, and vises. Manufacturing can be automated through the use of the built-in knowledge database. This database in not a static template, but it can be dynamically driven by changes in tools, geometry and strategies.

About SolidCAM Inc. SolidCAM Inc. is a world leader in advanced tool path generation technology (CAM) running directly inside SolidWorks. SolidCAM features a full line of CNC machine programming software solutions ranging from 2 axis lathes and 3 axis mills to extremely complex multi-axis MillTurn machines and Wire Edm. All products run directly inside SolidWorks and provide the user with a true "SolidWorks look and feel" for ease of use and maximum efficiency. Along with the integrated interface and scalability for new machines, SolidCAM also has its patented "iMachining" that powers users to new levels of productivity and profits, through unmatched cycle time reduction and unrivaled tool life.

Product: SolidCAD/CAM Suite *
Version: 2019 SP2 build 99309
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.solidcam.com
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 10.1 Gb

* This version includes its own CAD-system and does not need SolidWorks or other CAD-system to be pre-installed.

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