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- 2025-03-02
CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro 5.15.0 Multilingual | 51.4 Mb Our goal is to create product which would simplify and speed up to the maximum process of developing full-featured web sites on php. For now, it includes all standard abilities for operating with code and many advanced features for PHP developing. Full description for all features you can find on Features tour page.The full list of all features of Free PHP IDE:• PHP, HTML, javascript, CSS code highlighting• PHP, HTML, javascript, CSS code collapsing• HTML autocompleteAutocomplete of tags, attributes for current tag, closing tags.• HTML code inspectorInspector makes it simple to find HTML elements buried deep in the page.• CSS autocompleteAutocomplete of style property names and values.javascript Advanced autocompleteAutocomplete of keywords, DOM elements and their properties.• PHP Advanced autocompleteThis feature speeds up writing a code. Autocomplete includes wide selection of code completion listings.Lists are formed of both standard PHP and user's classes, variables, functions, constants and keywords. Starting typing new element, lists of all possible variants for its completion are being displaying after $this-> and ClassName::• PHP DebuggerThe Debugger is a package of tools that allows a developer debugging applications during developing process. Before running, you need to configure it. Set necessary values for the following options in Preferences menu (Tools–>Preferences–>Debugger):Virtual folder - path to a virtual project folderVirtual host URL - url of a virtual folderPath to php.ini - path to the php.ini fileServer - Apache version running on your computer. You need to select from the list, which displays all Apache versions installed on your machine.Features for debugger:Functions Step Into (F11), Step Over (F10), Stop Debug (Shift+F5)Watch window in debugger, displaying only user's variablesLocal variables window and Call stack windowsExpand of objects $this-> while debuggingSQL AutocompleteAutocomplete of database objects (tables, fields) and SQL structures.Context and Dynamic Help with search for work with PHP, MySQL, HTMLDynamicHelp window automatically lists all possible references for current word. You also can use ContextHelp to get information about shortcut keys.Code folding (collapsing)Pair highlightingHighlighting of paired tags and attributes.Pair selection, tags and attributes selection commandsSelects content within current block.Tooltip:The tooltip enables to view values of variables marked with a mouse cursor.Class View(View–>Window–>Class View) contains code elements (classes, functions and variables) of all opened files and of a whole application.You can easily navigate through your project and find all declarations for chosen element within it. In case of ambiguity solution dialogue appears.Preview in a browserProject managerThe project is connected with a folder on the disc. And its structure remains the same when transfers. Also there is an ability to search project's symbols and files using shortcut keys.Incremental findAll standard functionalities for work with a codeDrupal plug-in availableSmarty plug-in availableWordPress plug-in availableJoomla plug-in availableNew version has the following new abilities:Speed up for code editingOption for Shift+BackspaceStoring collapsing stateBugs fixed:Dialog for Hot Keys in the PreferencesCrash on exit in 64-bit Win7Bug with collapsing in word-wrap modeNavigation in the Project Tree by keysbug with CakePhp MVC directoriescrash on Locals Windowsome crashes while code editingsome crashes on close filesproblem with same file names by SFTPsome incorrect highlighting for Starty templatesSupported OS: Windows ME, Windows NT 4.x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server, Windows 2008 Server, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10Supported interface languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Turkish, PersianHome Page - http://www.codelobster.com/