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Description:NI LabVIEW stands for NAtional INstruments Lab Oratory VIrtual INstrument ENgineering WOrkbench and means Desktop Engineering Virtual Instruments Laboratory Inc. National Instruments is in fact a platform and development environment programming language, graphics or video (Visual Programming Language or short, VPL) this programming language, G called. LabVIEW applications very wide variety of electrical engineering, mechanics, medicine, math, food, etc., but more observation data acquisition (DAQ stands for Data Acquisition), analysis measurement systems, automation and industrial control systems, testing and processing data usedFacilities and software features of NI LabVIEW: -graphical environment with the ability to learn fast -measurement of parameters such as physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, force, displacement, strain, etc. in different industries with high accuracy -Use the block diagram of complexity in programming and thus easily detect and track -Control and test cards and electronic components using a computer -processing the input data and perform a variety of mathematical calculations on them and ... -A comprehensive library of various functions of data acquisition, mathematics, statistics, analysis and ... -programming for FPGA chips -Advanced simulation results and outputs of the projects planned 安装破解教程 1、在本站下载并解压,得到2018LV64-WinEng.exe安装程序和crack破解文件夹,内含激活工具2、双击2018LV64-WinEng.exe运行,点击浏览选择解压的目标文件夹,然后点击unzip3、如图所示,稍等一会儿4、解压成功,点击确定5、进入软件安装向导,如图所示,点击next6、输入用户信息,点击next7、如图所示,这里我们无需理会,什么也不用填写,直接点击next8、如图所示,分别点击浏览选择软件安装目录,点击next9、选择安装功能组件,默认即可,点击next10、如图所示,这里的选项我们不要勾选,点击next11、许可协议条款,勾选我接受上述许可协议,点击next12、如图所示,确认安装信息后点击next开始安装13、安装中,耐心等待即可14、安装完成,需要重启电脑,勾选稍后重启15、回到安装包中,运行破解文件夹中的NI License Activator 1.2.exe,如图所示,选择需要激活的内容,然后右键点activate激活即可16、激活成功,颜色会变为绿色System Requirements: OS:Windows 10,Windows 8.1,Windows 7 (SP1) 32-bit,Windows 7 (SP1) 64-bit,Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit,Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit RAM:1 GB Screen:1024 x 768 pixels Disk space:5 GB (includes default drivers from NI Device Drivers DVD) CPU: -Pentium 4M (or equivalent) or later (32-bit) -Pentium 4 G1 (or equivalent) or later (64-bit) 本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到 [ 此帖被小爱在2019-04-09 21:15重新编辑 ]