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[行业软件]Virtual Vertex Muster 9 v9.0.13 Build 11199 (x64) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-04-29 08:20:01
Muster 9 is Virtual Vertex next generation render farm management and distributed data processing system tailored for films production, games development, and visual effects industry. Built on the top of state-of-the-art technologies coming from more than fifteen years of developing and stress testing all around the world, Muster maximizes your computing capabilities and let you delegate the resources automation and monitoring to a complete integrated environment.

Mobile Ready
Muster includes an integrated web server engine that’s the core of our HTTP/Rest APIs but also exposes a minimal, clean, and intuitive web based interface to its core features.
Based on the Bootstrap framework, Muster is mobile ready right from the start. Its responsive, mobile fluid system let you take control of the Dispatcher service using your Phone, your Tablet or your web browser.
The integrated web server code is distributed as open source and it’s based only on jQuery/javascript/Boostrap with non minimized components. It may be the starting point for a custom web based interface or a great example to learn the HTTP/Rest APIs.

Powerful yet simple
Take total control of your farm hosts with a clean report that lets you manage any aspect of your devices. You can even take remote control over them or shutdown and wakeup hosts, manually or automatically!
A foldable hierarchical tree view of your queue jobs. You can drag and drop jobs to nest them into folders, chains dependancies, and get a visual resume of what’s going on your farm!
Any serious system needs a log. Muster implements 2 different logs facilities. While we still creates text based verbose logs you can still query from within the interface, the logs view gives you a clean and compact log that updates in realtime and shows just what you need for the regular system usage. Any activity related to your hosts and your jobs is here!

Everything you need
We made our best to keep you inside the Muster interface. That’s why the latest version ships with an integrated free, OpenGL accelerated image sequences viewer. It supports HDR natively accepting openEXR images as well as standard image formats like PNG, TIFF, Maya IFF, BMP, TGA, JPEG, RLA and SGI. Not enough ? The image viewer is tightly integrated with your Muster jobs. Are you browsing a bad frame ? With just one click, you can send back your frame or a job’s chunk directly into the Muster queue to get rendered again!
In 17 years, we realised that the most important aspect of a Render farm manager system is its error reporting tool. That’s why we have rewritten it from scratch and made a totally integrated system that keep tracks of any error or warning you get during your renders. Always! Any time you get back to our old jobs, you have a precise list of your errors and warnings, their lines numbers, and the original log file. You can also override globally or on a job basis, what you consider an error or a warning, using clear texts finds or regular expressions! You gain precise control over your jobs and stay sure that if you get an error, this is something really important to check!
You deserve to stay away from your systems and be sure everything is running smoothly. That’s why we have rewritten our notifications system to let you select exactly what notifications you really need. Also you can deliver notifications on a user or group basis, the system is completely integrated in our users management feature and let you take total control over them. Emails, Muster notificators, and soon, mobiles devices. Everything is under control and totally customizable!

System requirements

For professional versions, minimum OS version is Windows Vista 64 tested up to Windows 10
For server versions, minimum OS version is Windows Server 2008, tested up to Windows Server 2016
4096 MB RAM
1 GB free on system disk


Linux 64 BIT Kernel 2.6.35 running GLIBC 2.13 or greater. CentOS 7 x64 and Fedora 14 x64 are our compiling and testing platforms.
4096 MB RAM
1 GB free on system disk

Mac OS X

Mac OS X 10.5.8 or greater (tested up to High Sierra)
Intel based 64 BIT system (PPC support has been dropped)
4096 MB RAM
1 GB free on system disk

Home Page - https://www.vvertex.com/

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