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- 2025-03-02
Solid Angle Cinema4D To Arnold 2.6 for Cinema4D R18 to R20 | 810.4 mb Solid Angle has released version 2.6.1 of Arnold for Cinema4D (C4DtoA). This plug-ins provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard Cinema 4D interface. C4DtoA is now shipping with the latest Arnold core. About Arnold for Cinema4D. C4DtoA supports most Cinema 4D features such as instances, cloners, deformers, generators, MoGraph geometry, hair, and ThinkingParticles. It also supports both animation and single frame distributed rendering in Team Render, allowing the use of all computers in a local network to speed-up Arnold rendering. Third-party plugins TurbulenceFD and X-Particles are natively supported, allowing artists to render high quality smoke, fire, and particle effects with fully interactive feedback. Other features include volume rendering with OpenVDB, a node-based material editor and a comprehensive list of shaders and utilities, including vertex maps and per-face materials. About Solid Angle. Solid Angle is the technology company behind the Arnold rendering software. With offices in Madrid and London, Solid Angle’s customers include ILM, Framestore, Sony Pictures Imageworks, Rodeo FX, Luma Pictures, Image Engine, The Moving Picture Company, Digic Pictures, The Mill and Psyop. Arnold was designed to efficiently process the complex geometric datasets required for feature-length CGI animation and big-budget visual effects, while at the same time simplifying the pipeline. This unique renderer has been used to create the VFX seen in “Guardians of the Galaxy”, “Elysium, “Gravity”, “Pacific Rim”, Marvel's “The Avengers”, and “Alice in Wonderland”, to name just some. Marcos Fajardo is the founder of Solid Angle and lead architect of Arnold. The software is now available as a standalone renderer, as a C++ API and as a set of plug-ins for leading 3D applications such as Maya, Softimage and Katana on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. About MAXON Computer GmbH. MAXON Computer GmbH is a developer for 3D graphics software, offering professional 3D modeling, painting, animation, and rendering solutions. MAXON’s product line is centered around its core applications Cinema 4D, a leading animation package for media production, and BodyPaint 3D, its pioneering 3D painting package. Product: Solid Angle Cinema4D to ArnoldVersion: 2.5.1Supported Architectures: x64Website Home Page : www.solidangle.comLanguage: englishSystem Requirements: PC / MacOsxSupported Operating Systems: The same OS for the version of software that you are using. Software Prerequisites: Maxon Cinema4D R18-R20Size: 810.4 mb新功能2.6.2发布日期2019年11月27日此版本使用 Arnold 内核,并且包含 Beta版的Arnold GPU。 增强功能在搜索路径中的子文件夹中搜索的新选项允许在搜索路径中使用C4D字符串标记(例如$ prj) 修复自动发送不使用生成的纹理带有扩展程序的导出驴子不起作用从Arnold Sky创建崩溃时崩溃渲染时缺少X-Particles组在某些情况下,程序不尊重规模缩放的程序实例错误地渲染过程是多实例,而不是从命令行渲染撤消和重做后,IPR会忘记摄像头当纹理位于搜索路径上的自定义文件夹中时,材质预览失败路径中的数字有时错误地检测为帧序列R21项目资产检查器中未正确显示Arnold资产属性与R21 Windows中的Light Manager中的灯光不内联指定无效的许可证服务器时,R21命令行挂起参考着色器在R21中创建一个额外的节点2.6.1.4发布日期九月24,2019此版本使用 Arnold 内核,并且包含 Beta版的Arnold GPU增加了对CINEMA 4D R21的支持 。不再支持 CINEMA 4D R18 。修复更新为TFD 1450后无法渲染Turbulence FD下载:https://www.sdbeta.com/wg/2019/0202/228370.html 替换补丁安装方法:Win系统:安装插件,打开替换文件夹,拷贝ai.dll和arnold.lic到安装目录中\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R20\Plugins\C4DtoA\arnold\bin Mac系统:安装插件,复制solidangle.lic和libai.dylib 文件到应用程序/ Maxon / CINEMA 4D R20 / arnold / bin 本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到 [ 此帖被小爱在2019-12-02 13:19重新编辑 ]