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[图形图像]Reallusion Cartoon Animator 4.51.3511.1 Pipeline  win/mac  Pipeline [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-04-30 09:17:37
Cartoon Animator现在提供功能齐全的PSD输入和输出解决方案,不仅可以帮助2D动画师,还可以通过节省大量时间进行角色创建和动画内容开发来帮助平面设计师。 借助往返PSD管道,Graphic Designers可以将他们的艺术作品付诸实践,动画师可以使用Photoshop强大的编辑功能即时编辑他们的源动画文件。

CrazyTalk Animator (CTA) brought the power of 2D face creation and facial animation from CrazyTalk to a full body 2D character with scenes, props, cameras and a stage to bring it all to life. Now CrazyTalk Animator is growing again and this next version is evolving the power into a robust 2D animation studio that deserves its own unique brand. Reallusion now is ready to start unveiling the next exciting features to elevate 2D animation production with intuitive character creation, smart animation and live performance capture. Reallusion introduces, Cartoon Animator 4 (CrazyTalk Animator) with all the favorite crazy features and many new tools to easily approach animation or innovate existing pipelines.

All New in Cartoon Animator 4:

This WIP 1 demonstrates how Reallusion made 2D Character Animation more precise, powerful, yet more intuitive. Say goodbye to foot sliding, sinking or floating problems, the new Smart IK/FK system not only switches automatically, it makes creating amazing cartoon animation so much easier. Posing with locking end effectors gives you power to precisely animate characters with scene interaction. In addition, you can perfectly adapt motion files with different body shapes from our motion library, even fine-tune the character's stride or alter its motion genre.
Smart IK (Inverse Kinematic)
Simple and functional design sets Cartoon Animator apart from other 2D Animation tools. The intuitive 2D in IK / FK system auto-switches invisibly so character posing for animation is a fluid, and logical process. Just lock the character feet to have perfect non-sliding foot contact, and lock the character’s hand to get a precise interaction with props or scene.

Easy IK Editing
- Stretches, squatting, and hip rotation made simple by moving the hip bone.
- Easy-locking feet and hands for unlimited motion possibilities.
- Position character end effectors for precise IK interaction.
- Keep or Flip Joint Bend Direction during animation editing.

Intuitive Auto IK/FK Switch
- Drag-and-move end effectors for IK editing, directly rotate joins for FK editing.
- Intuitive pose-to-pose editing without switching IK and FK modes.
- One transform timeline track can keep End Effector Constraints and it’s Effective Range.
- Set keys only to Selected Body Parts, or to Full Body motion layers.

Stretch Animation
- Freely extend any character’s end segments - head, hands and feet.
- Rubber-band stretch midpoint segments like elbow, waist, knee.
- After releasing stretching, the segment can resume to its original length.
- Stretch neck and torso parts by locking hands and feet.
- Smoothly interpolate stretch animation, and add Motion Curve for timing control.

Precise Scene and Prop Interaction
- Lock hands and feet to precisely interact with scene objects.
- IK Constraints - use “Keep End Effort Rotation” to tip toe or bend wrist, or use “Keep End Effector Angle” to sustain feet angle on the skateboard or bicycle pedal.
- Use “Keep Bend Direction” to ensure character’s elbow or knee always bend at the right direction.
- Lock hand and feet to make stable spider-like crawling movement.

Works with All Kinds of Cartoon Characters
- Correct backward knee bend animation for quadruped animals.
- Use Shift+drag to alter the bone length between two bone segments producing a uniform transform effect such as the gorilla arm movement.
- The same effect can apply to breathing or neck-stretching animation.
- Use End Effector Rotation to easily let the dog naturally sit down.

Smart Motion Retargeting
Unique animation feature translates motions automatically to various character styles with different body scale. Smart Motion Retargeting correctly applies the collected motion files to different body shapes, automatically aligns characters to the motion’s pose regardless it’s initial pose settings, innovatively creates different motion performance styles.

Adapt Motions to any Character Scale
- No more Foot Sliding, Sinking, or Floating problems caused by characters’ bone scale difference.
- Library Animation applied perfectly to all types of template characters.
- Works with all Template-based Motion - human biped, quadruped, wings, spine bone.

Creative IK Motion Varieties
- Auto-align character bones to the Motion Data pose, regardless of the character’s initial pose setting.
- Recalculate character’s Initial Pose Offset for accurate animation editing.
- Change characters’ foot stride, or arm reach distance by altering the overall Motion Data Scale.
- Adjust individual End Effector bone ratio for precise character to object interaction.

Create IK Rig
Generate IK-ready 2D animated characters, CTA4 provides standardized IK Controls for template-based characters. We’ve also added the Auto IK Rig for Photoshop Imported characters. For custom created free-bone characters, now users may create a custom GUI from the Custom Rig GUI.

Auto IK Rig
- Auto IK Rig for Imported Photoshop Template Characters (PSD).
- Works for All Character Templates - Human, Quadruped, Wings, Spine.
- Default Human End Effector Presets - Toe, Ankle, Finger and Wrist
- Free to add IK lock to selected bone segments
- Auto assign End Effectors to Free Bone Characters, allowing custom IK definition

Custom GUI
- Snapshot a Character with a Custom Pose to create a Character Rig GUI.
- Import an image file as a custom rig image.
- Move and place End Effector Locks for ideal layout.
- Specify Bone Size, Segment On/Off in the UI display.

360 Head Creation
This WIP 2 shows how Reallusion breaks through the limitations of 2D Art, and delivers a practical way for 2D animators to create characters with advanced animation along with vivid expressions. The 360 evolution streamlines the workflow for Head Creation, Expression Setup, and directly to the animation core with face key editing, puppeteering and the timeline system. Apart from introducing a set of 360 assets and new professional animation library, users also have the path to convert existing content into 360 heads with a full range of motion.

Quickly Transform a 2D Face into a 3D Head
3D Head Creator transforms 2D art into 3D styled characters with up to 360 degree of motion for deeply rich performances. Photoshop round trip integration for editing multi-angle character in and out of 3D Head Creator.

Anchor Nine Head Turn Directions
- Inherit basic angle settings from Quick Setup
- Transform and deform head sprites for perfect 3D turn
- Optional FFD resolution from 2x2 (perspective correction) to 5x5 (precise shape definition)
- Mask-out features outside the face to create the 3D illusion

Smart Designs to Speedup Multi-angle Settings
- Copy and paste the angle definition
- Mirror setup from one side to another, flip or replace sprites to match angle requirements
- Onion Skin - proper sprite placement with neighboring setup reference
- Average - average the angle setting value from two selected points

Add Additional Decorative Items
- Apart from main facial features, users can freely add other decorative elements
- The cat has whiskers and the nose stripe seamlessly blended with the parent turning head base
- The same techniques can be used to emphasize a 3D effect with highlight and shadow layers

Free Angle Definition - Up to 360°
- More than creating a turning head, you can give a full spin to a simple shaped creature, even a moody bird
- Freely add angle points to setup the character look as the head turns
- Each angle point contains data for sprites transformation, deformation, and sprite change
- A total of 25 optional angle points are provided and a perfect 360° character can be achieved by properly adding angle definition for horizontal and vertical turn

Designing 360 Heads with Photoshop Layers
- Complete PSD to CTA round-trip workflow for 360 Head Creation
- The PSD character template is extended with angle layers for sprite change
- Use several image layers to accentuate depth such like a hog’s nose
- Build the layer hierarchy using a simple naming rule, eg. Parent > Child
- The 360 Head Creator can generate and send angle definitions back to Photoshop, new PSD layers are generated for the 360 angle adjustments

3D Expression Setup
- The Cartoon Animator Expression Setup is enhanced for new 360 Performance
- Transform and deform facial sprites to setup 3D-like Expressions
- Turn on Smooth Mode to achieve extremely smooth facial blendshape animation
- Easily Guide the Head Movement using Head Turn Gizmo
- Combine with the Face Key Editor for amazing results!

New Generation of 360 Creative Assets
- Mix and match facial features to create new 360 characters
- Dynamic hairstyles and accessories can also include multiple view angles
- Combine 360 Head with selected Body style for perfect Smart IK Animation

360 Animation Controls and Timeline Editing
- Head Turn Gizmo - Easily guide the head direction using mouse cursor, a quick way to layout the animation tempo
- Face Key Editor layers up precise facial expressions, detailed adjustment can be achieved by selecting facial features, choosing from an expression list, and customizing with muscle morph sliders
- Face Puppet is enhanced for generating expressions with dynamic head turns
- Use Transform and deform to exaggerate the cartoon performance

Recommended System Requirements:
• Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit).
• Dual core CPU or higher
• 4 GB RAM or higher recommended
• 10 GB free hard disk space or higher recommended
• Display Resolution: 1440 x 900 or higher
• Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 9800 GX2 or higher /ATI Radeon HD 4890 Series or higher
• Video Memory: 1 GB RAM or higher recommended


CrazyTalk Animator(CTA)将CrazyTalk的2D面部创作和面部动画的强大功能带到了全身2D角色,包括场景,道具,相机和舞台,让它变得生动。 现在,CrazyTalk Animator再次成长,下一个版本正在将力量发展成为一个强大的2D动画工作室,值得拥有自己独特的品牌。 Reallusion现在已经准备好开始推出下一个令人兴奋的功能,通过直观的角色创建,智能动画和现场表演捕捉来提升2D动画制作。 Reallusion介绍,Cartoon Animator 4(CrazyTalk Animator)具有所有最喜欢的疯狂功能和许多新工具,可轻松接近动画或创新现有管道。
360 Head Creator:Cartoon Animator 4提供360 Head Creator,可将2D艺术转换为3D风格的角色。它使用户能够创建生动的头部转向,具有添加额外装饰物品的能力,以创建独特的角色,并通过变形和变换模拟类似3D的头部转弯。
360 Head Creator允许您为角色定义最大头转角,自动和手动遮罩以及分层。变换面部精灵以获得最佳角度视图。
  • 添加其他装饰物品:用户可以自由添加其他装饰元素,以便通过细节为您的角色添加样式。如:发片,疤痕和阴影等。
  • 智能设计:直观的工具,让您立即创建360头。
  • 变形模式:可选自由形态变形分辨率从2×2(透视校正)到5×5(精确形状定义)。
  • 变换模式:快速的面部特征缩放,同时保持角度数据。
  • 精灵变化:自发的转弯和精灵变化。
  • 面具:卡通动画师4提供可调节的面具系统,以遮盖脸部外面的特征,创造出3D幻觉。
平滑模式:Cartoon Animator 4还为您提供这种全新的面部表情系统,以实现极其流畅的面部混合形状动画。通过调整面部精灵,用户可以通过移动和变形面部特征来创建无缝的精灵切换。
面部按键编辑器:Cartoon Animator 4增强了创建和调整精确面部表情的能力。新添加的Head Turn Gizmo可以使用鼠标光标轻松引导头部方向,这是一种快速布局动画节奏的方法
智能IK:智能IK / FK使创建惊人的卡通动画变得更加容易。使用锁定末端执行器进行配合可让您通过场景交互精确地为角色制作动画。
Reallusion Cartoon Animator 4.5.Pipeline安装破解
默认路径C:\Program Files\Reallusion\Cartoon Animator 4\bin64

软件下载咨询 sdbeta@qq.com

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只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2019-10-18 10:27:46
Re:Reallusion Cartoon Animator 4.1.1017.1   Pipeline破解版
Reallusion Cartoon Animator 4.1.1017.1   Pipeline

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软件下载咨询 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2019-11-12 11:08:40
Reallusion Cartoon Animator 4.1.1022.1 Pipeline

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Reallusion Cartoon Animator 4.01.0618.1管道

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