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[图形图像]VUE R2 and PlantFactory R2 (build 2003711)  crack [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-05-08 07:56:44

VUE R2 and PlantFactory R2 (build 2003711) | 5.9 Gb

E-on software, a leading global developer of software for the creation, animation, rendering, and integration of natural 3D environments in the computer graphics, VFX, architecture, and gaming industries, today announced the immediate availability of the Spring 2019 Release (code name R2) of its VUE and PlantFactory software.

e-on software ships Vue R2 and PlantFactory R2 - What's new

Vue R2 adds the option to load scene objects directly into EcoSystems, extends the software’s cloud toolset, and adds support for displacement in the Path Tracer render engine.

PlantFactory R2 adds the option to view an interactive path traced preview of a plant.

Vue R2: updates to EcoSystems, clouds and the Path Tracer
Vue, e-on’s landscape creation tool, gets the most new features, including the option to load objects into instanced EcoSystems directly from the scene itself: either as materials, as shown above, or via EcoPainter.

The volumetric cloud system – a focus of the previous update – gets the option to import as well as export VDB files, and a new set of cloud modulation controls to adjust the look and form of a cloud.

Cloud export is also now multi-threaded and “greatly optimised”.

Vue’s Path Tracer render engine gets support for displacement, two-sided materials and camera backdrops; and gamma management has been improved by “creating new Natural Film Response filters”.

Support for materials in Substance format has been extended, making it possible to view parameter groups and speeding up previews.

There are also the usual range of performance and workflow improvements and bugfixes: you can find a full list of changes via the link at the foot of this story.

PlantFactory R2: new path traced interactive preview
Plant-creation tool PlantFactory gets one major new feature: the option to view a real-time path traced preview of a plant, intended to give more accurate visual feedback on final rendered output.

There are also updates to gamma management and support for Substance materials, as in Vue; plus a number of stability and workflow improvements.

Both include integration plugins for Maya 2015+, 3ds Max 2015+, Cinema 4D R15+, and LightWave 11.6+.

VUE and PlantFactory build 2003711 - Release date: April 24, 2019

About Vue and PlantFactory e-on software has revamped its product line-up, making its digital nature tools, Vue and PlantFactory, available as rental-only product bundles rather than individual purchases.

New features in the software include support for PBR shading, Allegorithmic’s Substance material format, and the UDIM UV layout system; plus some interesting changes to the way Vue generates and exports clouds.

The firm has also rolled out a new corporate logo and a new sales website. The changes are the biggest to e-on software’s product line-up and online presence since a cyber-attack took its old website offline last year.

About e-on software. E-on software is the leading developer of solutions for the creation, animation, rendering and integration of natural 3D environments (VUE, PlantFactory, CloudFactory Ozone and Carbon Scatter). E-on software products are used worldwide by the film, television, architecture, game, science, educational and entertainment industries.

In 2015, e-on software was acquired by Bentley Systems and now operates as an internal venture subsidiary.

Product: VUE and PlantFactory
Version: R2 (build 2003711) with Content
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://info.e-onsoftware.com/
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 5.9 Gb

软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2019-05-08 08:54:37