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[系统软件]Winclone Pro 7.3.4 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-05-11 07:22:04

Winclone Pro 7.3.4 | macOS | 24 mb
Winclone 7 is the most complete solution for protecting your Boot Camp Windows system against data loss. Winclone is the most reliable cloning solution when migrating Boot Camp to a new Mac.

Winclone 7 Pro can create a package installer creates the Boot Camp partition and restores a Winclone image to the new partition. Winclone packages can be deployed using any client management system that can deploy macOS packages. If you can install a package, you can deploy a Boot Camp partition.
Winclone Packages can deploy fully setup and configured Windows images, base images that configure on first run, or a WinPE environment to image and configure using standard Microsoft tools.

- Cloning and restoring Boot Camp
- Supports restoring images created with Winclone 3.x, 4.x and 5.x (Windows 7 and above)
- Supports restoring images to DOS-FAT32, ExFAT and NTFS formatted volumes
- Supports restoring images to attached volumes (bootable depending on hardware and Windows version)
- Supports saving to external or network storage
- Fast incremental imaging
- Support for core storage volumes
- Detection and reporting of inconsistent GPT and MBR boot records
- Supports local disk-to-disk migration
- Shrink/expand Boot Camp file system
- Options for “make legacy bootable” and “make EFI bootable” (Windows 7 and above)
- Progress bar estimate and percentage complete
- Alert sound for success or fail operation
- In-app links to related support resources
- Updated user interface

Compatibility: macOS 10.12 or later 64-bit
Homepage: https://twocanoes.com

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精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
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