Autodesk Powermill Ultimate 2020 2.2(x64) Multilanguage | 1.14 GB
The Autodesk NC CAM team has launched the new release PowerMill 2020.2.2. The last release of PowerMill represents a significant shift in development in recent years – with a clear focus on usability, reliability, and speed. What's new in PowerMill 2020.2.2Toolpaths
- Fixed an issue where the tool overhang could unexpectedly revert to zero length, leading to gouges.
- Fixed an issue that caused drilling segments to lose their simulated orientation vector and make the toolpath 5 axis when a project was saved and reloaded.
- Fixed an issue that led to the simulated orientation vectors not being set on the last point of toolpaths, sometimes resulting in 3+2 toolpaths becoming 5 axis.
- Fixed an issue that could result in collisions remaining in toolpaths calculated with automatic collision avoidance. PMILL-13119
- .pmlprjz project archive files can now be imported by dragging and dropping them onto the PowerMill graphics window.
- Fixed an issue that caused some text to display incorrectly when using PowerMill in a display language other than English.
- Fixed an issue introduced in PowerMill 2020.0.1 security fix that stopped printing from working correctly.
- Fixed an issue where hole feature sets in the Explorer tree would stop being displayed in bold.
Customer error reporting (CER)
- Fixed an issue that caused PowerMill to occasionally close unexpectedly while performing multithreaded calculation of 2D Curve Profile toolpaths. This issue was identified by CER.
- Fixed an issue that could cause PowerMill to close unexpectedly while loading a project. This issue was identified by CER
- Fixed an issue that could cause PowerMill to close unexpectedly when verifying or simulating toolpaths with the Use Simulated Orientations option enabled. This issue was identified by CER.
- Fixed an issue that could cause PowerMill to close unexpectedly while calculating a multi-axis drilling toolpath when a previous toolpath had used the fit arcs point distribution. This issue was identified by CER.
- Fixed a potential vulnerability issue.
Delcam software company one of the oldest manufacturers Computer-aided technologies is the term to use computer technology to help design, analyze and manufacture a variety of products referred to. Perhaps the most famous, especially in our PowerMIL
L software company that is a program designed for three-dimensional CAM design tools path in CNC (Computer Numerical Control stands and means Computer Numerical Control) is designed. PowerMILL machining is a powerful tool for the design of the CNC 2 to 5-axis tool path will apply. Delcam PostProcessor As the name implies, the task of editing and review by PowerMILL is the design and processing. Delcam Exchange software is also a powerful tool for translating and converting CAD data from different applications to each other Facilities and software features Powermill:-User interface is suitable for high-speed application performance-determine the best way to reduce the time and tools to reduce the time, energy and production costs and increase the efficiency of the final-having Strategy or advanced strategies for machining such as Mhdvdhkary, roughing, finishing conventional and high-speed …-The ability to precisely control the thickness during material removal operations-indigenous domestic components used in a variety of industries such as engineering, molding, automotive and …-perform a variety of detailed and complex calculations in order not to collide with the wall tool and workpiece-High power display in the simulation and motion graphics tools PowerMill 2020.2的新增功能PowerMill Viewer-PowerMill Viewer是受功能限制的应用程序,您可以将其安装在多台计算机上,而无需支付额外费用。PowerMill Viewer可以打开,检查,模拟和验证现有的PowerMill项目,以帮助与利益相关者进行协作。刀具路径-现在,将刀具路径应用于股票模型的速度更快,尤其是对于具有大量点的刀具路径而言。-修复了带有编辑历史记录的刀具路径有时会导致PowerMill在无效且排队重新计算时意外关闭的问题。NC程序-修复了在NC程序中更改刀具路径的夹具偏移不会导致重新计算刀具路径之间的连接的问题。一般-恢复了$ version参数,该参数已被新版本参数功能无意间遮盖了。-修复了在与中文,日文和韩文语言环境一起使用并编写某些设置表时导致PowerMill意外关闭的问题。-修复了删除与工具路径文件夹同名的工具路径导致文件夹消失的问题。-解决了图形窗口中工具路径的鼠标右键菜单中有两个“复制工具路径”选项的问题。-解决了如果取消固定“资源管理器”窗口后PowerMill无法使用的问题。PowerMill Additive插件-已修复一个问题,该问题阻止了表面涂层中的双向运动,并阻止了圆柱形底座上的特征构造工具路径。客户错误报告(CER)-解决了导致PowerMill在尝试计算使用3D圆角高速选项的刀具路径的刀架轮廓时意外关闭的问题。此问题已由CER确认。-修复了导致在计算引线和链接时进度中断时PowerMill意外关闭的问题。此问题已由CER确认。-修复了在添加型腔中心导致区域间隙轮廓刀具路径时,PowerMill意外关闭的问题。此问题已由CER确认。-修复了当编辑历史包括重新排序的刀具路径排队重新计算时,导致PowerMill意外关闭的问题。此问题已由CER确认。-修复了导致在写入三角形块文件时PowerMill意外关闭的问题。此问题已由CER确认。-修复了更新进度条时偶尔导致PowerMill意外关闭的问题。此问题已由CER确认。-修复了重新计算区域间隙刀具路径时导致PowerMill意外关闭的问题。此问题已由CER确认。-修复了在曲线编辑器中使用“与相邻线段合并”操作时PowerMill意外关闭的问题。该问题由产品: Autodesk PowerMill版本: Ultimate 2020.2仅支持更新的体系结构: x64网站主页: www.autodesk.com语言:多语言系统要求: PC *支持的操作系统: *软件前提: Autodesk PowerMill 2020或更高版本大小: 257.7 mb * 系统要求:
-Microsoft Windows 10(64位)
-Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1(64位)
CPU类型 多核64位处理器,例如AMD Phenom II或Intel Core i7
内存 建议最低RAM 8 GB,建议16 GB推荐用于要求苛刻的部件的RAM或更高 容量
图形卡 NVIDIA Quadro,至少2GB完全符合OpenGL 2.0的
屏幕分辨率 1920 x 1200
磁盘空间 160 GB Home Page -本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到