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[行业软件]NI TestStand 2019 f2 version 19.0.2 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-05-24 15:24:29

NI TestStand 2019 version 19.0.2 | 5.4 Gb

The LabVIEW team is pleased to announce the availability of TestStand 2019 f2 version 19.0.2 is application software that helps test and validation engineers quickly build and deploy automated test systems.

TestStand 2019 f2 Behavior Changes

Execution Profiler Enhancements

Changes to information displayed in the profiler:

- You can configure the Operations table to display the full path to the code module, module-specific information that might affect performance, and a JSON representation of the values passed to and from the code module. Click File»Configure Data Collection, then select options to display.
- You can also enable the Execution Profiler to show suspensions, which display as blocked operations.

New Profiler API

TimeOrigin TimeOriginInTables - Defaults to TimeOrigin.FirstEvent, but can be set to TimeOrigin.ApplicationStartUp so that the tables match the operations log file, which always logs times with an origin of ApplicationStartup.

bool IncludeOperationLevelInLogFile - If set to true, the operations log file includes an additional numeric column which records the nesting level of the operation in the Item Usage Per Thread control.

string OperationsLogFile - The path to a tab delimited text file in which the profiler logs operations as they complete. If the path is an empty string, the profiler does not log operations.

void ClearOperationsLogFile() - Clears the specified OperationsLogFile to contain only the column headings.

bool ShowSuspensions - Specifies whether thread suspensions due to breakpoints, etc, show as blocked operations.

New Engine API

New ProfilerOption flags for Engine.ProfilerOptions - The following flags are the programmatic interface to the corresponding options in the Configure Data Collection dialog box:

- ProfilerOption_IncludeModulePathsAndEnvironments = 0x100
- ProfilerOption_IncludeModuleInputs = 0x200
- ProfilerOption_IncludeModuleOutputs = 0x400

long Engine.ProfilerInputOutputCaptureMaximumTextLength - The programmatic interface to the numeric control for Limit Module Input/Output Text Length on the Configure Data Collection dialog box. A value of -1 indicates no limit.

Python Adapter Updates

The Python Adapter now supports using either a *.py file or a directory containing a __init__.py file as the relative or absolute path to a Python module. With a relative path, the Python Adapter will use TestStand search directories to determine the absolute path. If the Python Adapter cannot find a Python module, it will use Python search directories.

InstrumentStudio Support

You can now use the Python Adapter with IO Configuration Step Types in a Global Interpreter Session.

C# Example User Interfaces

TestStand includes two directories containing example C# user interfaces:

<TestStand Public>\UserInterfaces\Full-Featured\CSharp\Source Code
<TestStand Public>\UserInterfaces\Simple\CSharp\Source Code

If you use the files in these directories as a starting point for creating custom user interfaces, you must install the Desktop development with C++ component for the version of Visual Studio you use. This component includes the MSVC Visual C++ build tools, which are required for building C# user interfaces in TestStand. You can install Desktop development with C++ during the initial Visual Studio installation or launch the Visual Studio installer to modify your existing installation.

About NI TestStand. TestStand is ready-to-run test management software that is designed to help you quickly develop automated test and validation systems. You can use TestStand to develop, execute, and deploy test system software. You can extend the functionality of your system by developing test sequences in TestStand that integrate code modules written in any programming language. TestStand provides extensible plug-ins for reporting, database logging, and connectivity to other enterprise systems. You can deploy test systems to production with easy-to-use operator interfaces.

This is a TestStand Tutorial that i put together to show the functionality and implementation of this tool as Test management SW, running LabVIEW based test modules and Scripting Language tests including Python & Perl. Showing its functionality for Sequential and Parallel/Batch test runs, using NI TestStand.

About National Instruments. Since 1976, National Instruments has equipped engineers and scientists with tools that accelerate productivity, innovation and discovery. NI’s graphical system design approach to engineering provides an integrated software and hardware platform that speeds the development of any system needing measurement and control. The company’s long-term vision and focus on improving society through its technology supports the success of its customers, employees, suppliers and shareholders.

Product: NI TestStand
Version: 2019 f1 version 19.0.1
Supported Architectures: 32bit / 64bit
Website Home Page : www.ni.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 5.4 Gb


软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2019-06-17 05:33:14
TestStand 2019:

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2019-09-30 17:33:29
NI TestStand 2019 f1 version 19.0.1

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2020-02-08 08:36:04
NI TestStand 2019 f2 version 19.0.2