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[软件资源]ThermoSientific AVIZO 2019.1 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-06-02 08:42:07 , 编辑

ThermoSientific AVIZO 2019.1 | 2.4 Gb

The ThermoSientific product team is pleased to announce the availability of Avizo 2019.1 Software, is a powerful, multifaceted 3D platform for visualizing, manipulating, and understanding scientific and industrial data from computed tomography, microscopy, and many other imaging modalities.

Avizo Software 2019.1 Release Notes - March 2019

Thermo Scientific Avizo Software version 2019.1 rolls out exciting new tools and enhancements.

- new version number and new life cycle
Starting with this 2019.1 release Avizo Software releases will be fully synchronized in terms of version number and life cycle.
. Avizo Software 2019.1 is the upgrade of Avizo Software 9.7
All products now benefit from quarterly releases, constantly keeping all users at the best level of features and performance for increased productivity.
- new 3D Image Stack Processing
Introduced in the previous release of Avizo Software, the Image Stack Processing workroom features an interactive environment to easily create and execute image processing recipes to process image stacks in 2D. (Each image of the stack is processed individually.)
In the 2019.1 release, the Image Volume Processing module is the 3D equivalent to the Image Processing Module. This module enables the processing of an image in 3D rather than processing each image of the stack individually. When a recipe is created, the preview is performed on a 3D-slab (with a user-defined width) rather than on a slice. This allows for correctly set 3D parameters.
- new out-of-core image Stack Processing
While the Image Stack Processing module allows the creation of a workflow from a single slice, it still needs to have the full stack in memory to process it. The new Process Stack on Disk module enables the processing of a full stack directly on disk. Each image in the stack is loaded into memory, processed, and then saved on disk. At any given time during the processing, only the workflow to process a given image is in memory. This allows for the processing of extremely large image stacks that could not even fit in memory.
- new pore and cavity segmentation using Compute Ambient Occlusion
This new module enables the segmentation of pores and cavities, which usually cannot be distinguished from the surrounding material, by considering the gray values and texture properties of the image.
This tool is a major feature, unlocking segmentation workflows that were not previously possible.
- new and enhanced modules
. The Filter by Measure Range module extracts a subset of labels from a label image by computing a measure for each label, then keeping only those labels within a given range of the measure.
. The new NeighborCount measurement returns the number of objects close to the current label. This measurement is useful for identifying particles belonging to a cluster.
. The Filter Sandbox module now integrates the GPU Adaptive Manifold mode for the Non-local Means filter, with a huge performance improvement, especially in 3D mode.
- Avizo Inline framework
. Enhanced DICOM/DICONDE support and extended user management
. Avizo Inline adds support for extra DICOM/DICONDE features in the Receiver Service, providing segmentation files management, organized folder structure of to-be-inspected models, as well as extended automation configuration capabilities.
. As well, Avizo Inline 2019.1 provides additional user management features, such as common preferences and password-protected configuration.

About ThermoSientific AVIZO. Thermo Scientific Avizo Software are the leading high-performance 3D visualization and analysis solution for scientific and industrial data. Wherever 3D imaging data sets need to be processed, Avizo Software offer abundant state-of-the-art image data processing, exploration and analysis features within an intuitive workflow and easy-to-use graphical interface.

Avizo for Materials Science

Industrial applications require stronger, lighter, cleaner and safer materials every day.
New techniques, such as additive manufacturing, require development of new metal powders and allows for the design of parts. Composite materials are used in many applications to produce stronger and lighter parts, while energy materials are developed for cleaner power production and optimized storage.

Advances in tomography and microscopy techniques now allow for creation of digital models that are suitable for materials research. For new developments or for better characterization of existing materials, Thermo Scientific™ Avizo™ Software allows for a better understanding of structure, properties and performance. No matter what modality is used to acquire digital data, Avizo Software provides optimized workflows for materials characterization. It also features image processing tools, simulation modules and capabilities for advanced defect analysis.

Avizo Software provides a reliable, fully automatable solution for both research and industrial entities, allowing them to innovate faster, reduce time to market, and produce more reliable and better performing materials.

Avizo for Industrial Inspection

Imaging techniques such as Computed Tomography is increasingly used in industry as a method for nondestructive testing, adding to standard CMM the ability to make digital measures and detect and quantify defects inside a part.

Integrating expertise acquired over more than 10 years and developed in collaboration with major industrial partners in the aerospace, automotive, and consumer goods industries, Avizo Software allows to visualize, analyze, measure and inspect parts and materials acquired by CT systems and microscopy.

Thermo Scientific Avizo Software provides a comprehensive set of tools addressing the whole research-to-production cycle: from materials research in off-line labs to automated quality control in production environments. With Avizo Software, reduce your design cycle, inspection times, and meet higher-level quality standards at a lower cost.

Avizo for Natural Sciences

Below you will find a video of use cases of our 3D data visualization and analysis software. These use cases include scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or even videos that show how Avizo Software is used to address various scientific and industrial research topics.

Tristan Lowe, Senior Experimental Officer at Manchester X-Ray Imaging Facility tells us why they are using Avizo Software. "A job which would take maybe a month to analyze a dataset can be done a lot quicker just using Avizo Software" "Avizo Software has all these automated methods and is reproducible so it doesn’t matter how many people take the same dataset, as long as they have the same parameters, they will always get the same results, and in research, that consistency is a very important factor"

About Thermo Fisher. Thermo Fisher Scientific is the world leader in serving science, with revenues of more than $24 billion and approximately 70,000 employees globally. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our customers accelerate life sciences research, solve complex analytical challenges, improve patient diagnostics, deliver medicines to market and increase laboratory productivity. Through our premier brands – Thermo Scientific, Applied Biosystems, Invitrogen, Fisher Scientific and Unity Lab Services – we offer an unmatched combination of innovative technologies, purchasing convenience and comprehensive services

Product: ThermoSientific AVIZO
Version: 2019.1
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.thermofisher.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 2.4 Gb
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