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[行业软件]Corona Renderer 3.2 for Cinema 4D r20/3ds Max 2013 – 2020 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-06-02 16:01:26

Corona Renderer 3.2 for Cinema 4D | 106.0 mb

With great pleasure, Render Legion announce the release of Corona Renderer 3.2 for Cinema 4D. This release includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.

What’s new in version 3.2:

- This release fixes an issue with the new light solver which could occasionally result in black pixels (NaNs) appearing in renders.

About Corona Renderer. With the growing demand 3D rendering and visualization, there has been an influx of software development targeted at pulling the masses away from household rendering engines such as VRAY and Maxwell. Corona Renderer is one of the underdogs - a feisty and capable piece of rendering software that offers just as much under the hood as the titans of the industry, but leaves the hefty price of admission at the door. Whether you are producing photo-realistic images or concept animations, Corona Renderer is the perfect alternative for artists, architecture firms, and design offices to incorporate into their everyday workflow.

Perhaps Corona’s most attractive feature is Interactive Rendering. This allows the artist or user to change settings on the fly, viewing in real-time how the modifications affect the rendered image. In fact, you can do all this while the image is rendering. Lighting, materiality, even model geometry can be adjusted as the scene is being rendered in the background, allowing unprecedented flexibility for artists who rely on the ability to continue to tweak the image after they press ‘render.’ Few renderers on the market allow this level of interactivity. Typically, once you cross that line, you’re only saving grace to change the work is in post-production. Interactive Rendering takes a lot of the guesswork out of visualization.

Corona also hangs its hat on being the most user-friendly rendering software on the market. It claims artists “will learn Corona in just one day, and fall in love with it over the next few.” It is a bold assertion, but one reflected by how rapidly the popularity of Corona as spreading. The interface removes the layers of technical mastery most rendering software requires you to learn before being able to confidently use it for professional work. Corona takes a much more natural approach to teaching new users the basics while still allowing plenty of room to perfect.

Going even further, Corona was developed by an artist, with a community of artists, for artists. It has already established an intimate relationship with the underground 3D rendering industry in Europe, and is poised to grow into one of the most widely used renderers on the market. Corona Renderer is here to stay, and finally gives artists a rendering engine to call their own.

About Render Legion s.r.o. The development of Corona Renderer started back in 2009 as a solo student project of Ondrej Karlik at Czech Technical University in Prague. Corona has since evolved to a full-time commercial project, after Ondrej established a company together with the former CG artist Adam Hotovy, and Jaroslav Krivanek, associate professor and researcher at Charles University in Prague. Render Legion s.r.o. are developers of the Corona Render engine. Commercially available since 2014, Corona Renderer is fully integrated into 3ds Max, with integrated Cinema 4D and SketchUp (Ay Caramba) versions in development.

Product: Corona Renderer
Version: 3.2
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://corona-renderer.com/
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even SP1 or newer
Software Prerequisites: Cinema 4D R14-R20
Size: 106.0 mb


           Corona Renderer 3 (hotfix 2) for 3ds Max 2013 - 2020 & Standalone | Patch | by msi

1.  Download and install Corona from  https://corona-renderer.com/download

2.  Copy Corona_Release.dll to the 3dsMax root dir ( C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2020 )
    and to the root dir of each other 3dsMax version with the Corona installed, if any
    and/or to the Corona Standalone dir ( C:\Program Files\Corona\Standalone ), if needed

    Copy CoronaImage.exe and CoronaImageCmd.exe to the Image Editor dir ( C:\Program Files\Corona\Image Editor ), if needed

3.  Execute Write_token-3dsmax.bat (Recommended)
    OR copy token-3dsmax.txt to the  %LOCALAPPDATA%\CoronaRenderer ( C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Local\CoronaRenderer ) dir,
    that will be created after the first run or create it by yourself

    Repeat this step for every User profile that needs Corona

4.  Enjoy!

Uninstallation note:

    If you want to go legal, then restore the original Corona_Release.dll
    and REMOVE token-3dsmax.txt from the  %LOCALAPPDATA%\CoronaRenderer  before running and activating Corona
    or just execute Delete_token-3dsmax.bat  (also repeat this for every User profile that uses Corona)


-   What if my Demo license has not expired yet, will I lose it after applying the Patch?
-   Backup your current token-3dsmax.txt and Corona_Release.dll , then you can restore them later and use the remaining days of the Demo

-   Will Corona stop working after 2019-02-19 ? Oh, wait...
-   As you can see, it still works, coz the BOX license cannot be expired

-   Are these files safe?
-   Yes, you can check them on virustotal.com  However, currently I post the cracks only in two places: forum.cgpersia.com and forum.gfxdomain.net
    so if you downloaded it anywhere else, there's no any guarantee that the files are the same as mine
    Anyway, if you don't trust them, don't use them

-   Where is the %LOCALAPPDATA%\CoronaRenderer directory? This path doesn't exist
-   Open "Run command" (Win+R), enter the %LOCALAPPDATA% or %UserProfile%\AppData\Local (the same into Windows Explorer's address bar)
    and you'll get the right location where the CoronaRenderer dir should be

-   I get an error/trouble, where can I find a solution?
-   Visit the Helpdesk:  https://coronarenderer.freshdesk.com/support/solutions  and the Corona Forum:  https://corona-renderer.com/forum
    Don't miss the "Bug Reporting" section:  https://corona-renderer.com/forum/index.php/board,2.0
    Try a clean Corona without the Patch, activate the Demo license

-   The Demo works fine, but when I apply the Patch I get that shit...
-   Accurately describe the problem in my Corona threads on forum.cgpersia.com or forum.gfxdomain.net and wait...

-   But I still have issues, you lying bastard!
-   Well, you always can buy a license and get the official support or you can change your profession,
    anyway, do something with your fucking life or just die.

Corona Renderer 4 破解版 (hotfix 3) for Cinema 4D R14 - R21/3DS MAX 2013-2020  
[ 此帖被pony8000在2019-11-20 23:44重新编辑 ]
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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2019-06-04 17:21:40