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- 2025-01-23
中望CAD2024 更快更稳定 领先的多核并行计算技术,全面提升运行速度;快捷智能的绘图操作,快速完成创新设计 良好的兼容性确保工作的延续性全面兼容主流图纸格式可直接读取和保存常见图形信息,准确完整 DWG DWT DXF DWF 熟悉的界面及功能命令,新手也会用都是我们熟悉的操作界面和绘图功能命令无需改变习惯即能轻松上手,即使新手也可快速学会 利用PDF文件进行绘图提高图纸利用率支持从PDF文件输入几何图形、填充光栅图像和文字对象成为CAD图形数据有效提高图纸利用率 数据提取便捷获取CAD图形数据能够将CAD图形对象数据提取成为表格,并可以对表格进行更新便于快捷地利用这些数据进行整理和分析 注释性比例快速调整出图很方便图纸多比例输出时,注释对象比例快速调整有效简化打印输出换算比例的操作出图比例效果不变,图纸可读性更好 批量打印,能一次性完成多图幅输出自动识别图框范围,可实现多图幅一次性全部输出,操作简单便捷 APP+,扩展CAD的功能强大的API接口能力,支持各专业设计模块无缝切换带来最适合自己的CAD设计新体验 When it comes to drawing objects, it is possible to create linear objects (e.g. lines, rays, construction lines, polylines, polygons, rectangles, points, traces), and curved objects (e.g. arcs, circles, ellipses, splines).There are several 3D models types, namely wireframe, surface, and solid objects, and you can set the thickness and elevation values.Other important options worth mentioning allow users to remove, copy, flip, rotate, align, resize, and stretch objects, change the length of the objects, trim or extend them, as well as create a gap in an objects or flattened corners.You can work with multiple drawings at same time, cut or copy objects from one drawing to another, undo or redo your actions, erase objects, embed text messages, create and insert blocks, apply hatching operations for filling an area, plot drawings, and take snapshots (EMF, WMF, SLD).The user interface is customizable, as you can display and rearrange the toolbars, enable the status bar, show the command bar, and add your own commands and macros. The generated drawings can be exported to DWG, DXF, or DWT file format.All in all, ZWCAD offers many advanced features for helping you design 2D and 3D models and is suitable especially for advanced users.System Requirements: OS:Microsoft® Windows Server 2008-2016 / Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 CPU:Intel® Pentium 4 1.5 GHz or equivalent AMD processor RAM:1 GB Display:128 MB Space: disk 2 GB free space in OS disk, 1 GB free space in installation disk Resolution:1024*768 VGA with True Color 本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到