作为3D地理空间分析的强大应用,ARANZ Geo Leapfrog 4.0配备了专业的钻井和天然气勘探解决方案。这是地下水污染的可靠解决方案,支持勘探石油和天然气。这个功能强大的应用程序带有一个完整的解决方案,用于处理地热能源生产,使用各种强大的石油和天然气勘探工具。该应用程序具有直观的用户界面和简单的选项,可以准确执行不同类型的分析,并提供对整个过程的完全控制。
ARANZ Geo Limited, developer of 3D geological modelling software Leapfrog, has released Leapfrog Geo 4.0. This major release has a complete set of intuitive and highly visual tools and workflows to unlock the value of structural data for geologists and other decision-makers.ARANZ Geo solutions harness information to extract value, bring meaning and reduce risk by turning complex data into geological understanding, providing timely insight and giving decision-makers confidence.Leapfrog Geo 4.0’s intuitive and dynamic structural geology tools and workflows, make this important discipline accessible to all geologists. No longer just for specialists, vital structural data can now be cleaned, interpreted and incorporated into models to influence and guide overall geometry, all within Leapfrog Geo.A new, interactive Stereonet tool, is a major new component of Leapfrog Geo 4.0. Selections and edits to the stereonet are automatically represented in the 3D scene to give a broader perspective and aid understanding. A new Form Interpolant tool automatically creates surfaces from structural measurements.22 new features have been added or improved in Leapfrog Geo 4.0 making it a substantially advanced release. Local Leapfrog offices are on hand to demonstrate the new features and online videos and release notes are available to help bring users up to speed and ensure they can quickly benefit from the advancements.About ARANZ Geo LimitedARANZ Geo Limited designs and develops 3D geological modeling software solutions for mining, energy, environmental, geothermal, and hydrogeological industries. The company offers Leapfrog Geo, an implicit geological modeling solution for the mining industry; Leapfrog Hydro for use in various stages of hydrogeological projects from water resource evaluation to modeling for contaminated site investigations and risk assessment; Leapfrog Geothermal for use in every stage of a project from initial proof-of-concept to reservoir management; and Leapfrog Mining, a toolbox approach to 3D geological modeling for Leapfrog experts who want the control of specific applications, such as vein modeling and structural folding. Its suite of products enables geologists to generate geological models in a real 3D environment through the use of implicit modeling. ARANZ Geo Leapfrog 4.0的特点 - 强大的3D地理空间建模应用
- 一套专业的数据处理工具
- 为钻井作业提供支持
- 处理天然气勘探过程
- 处理地下水污染
- 显示和解释钻井数据
- 探索3D中的数据和过程可视化
- 分析大量数据
- 处理说明性图像和数据解释
- 项目管理计划功能
- 通过复杂的图形设计收集和控制数据
- 在3D视图中显示数据
- 许多其他强大的功能和选项
ARANZ Geo Leapfrog 4.0的系统要求 - 软件名称:ARANZ Geo Leapfrog 4.0
- 软件文件名:ARANZ_Geo_Leapfrog_4.0.zip
- 文件大小:1.1 GB
- 开发者:ARANZ
ARANZ Geo Leapfrog 4.0的系统要求 - 操作系统:Windows 10/8/7
- 可用硬盘空间:1 GB可用硬盘
- 已安装内存:最小RAM为1 GB
- 处理器:Intel Core 2 Duo或更高版本