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[行业软件]RIBtec 19.0 (build 22052019) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-06-21 17:07:49

RIBtec 19.0 (build 22052019) | 592.4 mb

RIB Software SE. has launched RIBtec 19.0 (build 05.22.2019), is an integrated software which allows structural member design and CAD/ FEM-applications at the same time for structural and soil engineering as well as for sophisticated tunnel and bridge constructions.

Release Notes RIBtec - Build 05.22.2019:

About RIBtec. RIBtec is an integrated software which allows structural member design and CAD/ FEM-applications at the same time for structural and soil engineering as well as for sophisticated tunnel and bridge constructions. A wide range of multi-purpose tools are available which cover routine work as well as challenging engineering tasks in the high-end range. RIBtec includes all structural engineering tools. An object oriented, context sensitive functionality under Windows is the base for excellent comfort in application and high security in usage. All applications have the background of more than 45 years of software development in the area of structural and geotechnical analysis, design and construction. The available engineering tools are supplemented by an overall office- and project-management application.

About RIB Software SE. RIB Software SE is an innovator in construction business. The company creates, develops and offers cutting-edge digital technologies for construction enterprises and projects across various industries worldwide.

Since its inception in 1961, RIB Software SE has been the pioneer in construction innovation, exploring and bringing in new thinking, new working methods and new technologies to enhance construction productivity.

Product: RIBtec
Version: 19.0 (build 05.22.2019)
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.rib-software.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 592.4 mb[sell=20,money]


默认:C:\Program Files (x86)\RIB\RIBTEC\win

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