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[系统软件]Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 CU5 (Build 15.02.0595.003) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-06-22 20:34:59

Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 CU5 | 1.7 Gb

The Microsoft team is pleased to announce the availability of Cumulative Update 2 to Exchange Server 2019, the newest version of its venerable email server.
Exchange Server 2019 CU5 Build 15.02.0595.003 - Release date March 17, 2020:

This cumulative update is a security update. It includes fixes for nonsecurity issues and all previously released fixes for security and nonsecurity issues. These fixes will also be included in later cumulative updates for Exchange Server 2019.

This update also includes new daylight saving time (DST) updates for Exchange Server 2019

Issues that this cumulative update fixes

This cumulative update also fixes the issues that are described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:

- 4552472 Exchange Server 2019 Sizing Calculator version 10.4 is available
- 4536552 Export-ModernPublicFolderStatistics.ps1 is not working in Exchange Server 2019
- 4538303 Exchange 2019 Setup Prerequisite Check fails for .NET 4.8 Framework in CU4 on Windows builds 1909 and 1903
- 4547705 Authentication loop between msft.sts.microsoft.com/adfs and OWA in Exchange Server 2019
- 4547706 Birthday isn't correctly synced to iOS native mail app in Exchange Server 2019
- 4547708 Elevation of privileges possible when Active Directory permissions role is granted in Exchange Server 2019
- 4547709 InternetWebProxyBypassList is ignored by Mailbox Replication service in Exchange Server 2019
- 4547710 New-MailboxSearch with In-Place Hold enabled replaces all values in msExchUserHoldPolicies if adding a value in Exchange Server 2019
- 4547711 Public folder permissions aren’t applied from Outlook in Exchange Server 2019 hybrid environment
- 4547712 Outlook on the web (OWA) exposes junk operations even if disabled via OwaMailboxPolicy in Exchange Server 2019
- 4547713 IsOnlineMeeting is always false for Teams-only meetings in Exchange Server 2019
- 4547714 Can’t add remote shared mailbox using ECP into distribution group in Exchange Server 2019 hybrid environment
- 4547715 New created search folder retention policy is changed in Exchange Server 2019
- 4547719 MCDB status is "Offline" and SSDs are not formatted in Exchange Server 2019
- 4547720 Partial word searches not working for mailboxes in Outlook online mode in Exchange Server 2019
- 4547721 Exchange Sizing Calculator still supports mail.que database over 2 TB in Exchange Server 2019
- 4547722 Can’t go from Office 365 to Enterprise in Exchange Server 2019 Exchange admin center (EAC) if Chrome SameSite Cookie is enabled
- 4547723 Can’t sign in to Office 365 if configuring hybrid with Chrome SameSite Cookie enabled in Exchange Server 2019
- 4536987 Description of the security update for Microsoft Exchange Server 2019: February 11, 2020
- 4540123 Description of the security update for Microsoft Exchange Server 2019: March 10, 2020

Exchange Server 2019 is designed to deliver security, performance and improved administration and management capabilities; attributes our largest on-premises customers expect from Exchange.

Here is a selection of other key features in Exchange Server 2019:

Security: Exchange Server 2019 requires Windows Server 2019. In fact, we recommend installing Exchange Server 2019 onto Windows Server 2019 Server Core. Exchange Server 2019 installed on Windows Server 2019 Core provides the most secure platform for Exchange. You also have the option of installing Exchange 2019 onto Windows Server 2019 with Desktop Experience, but we have worked hard to make sure running Exchange on Server Core is the best choice for our code.

We’re aware all media for Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server, version 1809 has been temporarily removed and Microsoft will provide an update when refreshed media is available. Exchange Server 2019 will be fully compatible with version 1809, and the refreshed version.

We also built Exchange Server 2019 to only use TLS 1.2 out of the box, and to remove legacy ciphers and hashing algorithms.

We’ve done significant work to allow Exchange Server to take advantage of larger core and memory packed systems available in market today. With our improvements, Exchange Server can use up to 48 processor cores and 256GB of RAM.

We’ve re-engineered search using Bing technology to make it even faster and provide better results, and in doing so have made database failovers much faster, and administration easier.

We’re adding dual storage read/write capabilities to Exchange Server 2019 using Solid State Drive (SSD) technology to provide a super-fast cache of key data for improving end user experience. We also talked about this in our Email Search in a Flash! Accelerating Exchange 2019 with SSDs session at Ignite.

We also changed the way database caching works to allocate more memory to active database copies, again improving the end user experience. You can learn more about Dynamic Database Cache from Welcome to Exchange Server 2019! video and slides.

The improvements we have made to Exchange Server 2019 will enable you to scale to a larger number of users per server than ever before, use much larger disks, and see the latency of many client operations being cut in half.

We all rely on Exchange for calendaring, and we know large enterprises are heavy calendar users. We are bringing a few key features such as restricting the forwarding of meeting requests and better control over OOF settings to Exchange Server 2019. Administrators get some new calendaring features too, as we’re adding the ability to manage events on user’s calendars and assign delegate permissions more easily.

We are also adding support for routing mail to and from EAI/IDN recipients and hope to add additional capabilities in this area in the future.

About Microsoft. Microsoft Corporation, leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications. The company also publishes books and multimedia titles, offers e-mail services, and sells electronic game systems, computer peripherals (input/output devices), and portable media players. It has sales offices throughout the world.

Product: Microsoft Exchange Server
Version: 2019 Cumulative Update 2 Build 15.02.0397.003 / 15.2.397.3
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.microsoft.com
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10
Software Prerequisites: **
Size: 1.7 Gb

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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2020-03-18 13:03:56
Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 CU5