Noesis Optimus 2023 | 1.7 Gb
Noesis Solutions a trusted digital engineering partner, announced latest updates to their automation and optimization tool, Optimus. The latest updates include the availability of remote access to interfaces, reducing computational costs with the introduction of Multi-Fidelity Efficient Global Optimizer (MFEGO), and enhances the existing optimization capabilities with easy, fast, and scalable multi-objective optimization algorithm - Multi-Objective Lighthouse algorithm and introduction of nvision interface, an AI-powered surrogate modelling tool by Noesis Solutions.Key Features of Optimus 2023.2 includes:- Remote access to interfaces: Optimus 2023.2 introduces remote access to interface functionality, that allows users to remotely control and interact with various 3rd party software tools. This new feature removes the necessity of a physical installation of the interface software on the local host and enables access to these interfaces through a remote system from anywhere. The connection to the remote machine hosting the software installation from Optimus 2023.2 is realized using a Parallel System, that helps orchestrate engineering workflows by transferring the necessary files and packages to the remote machine automatically.- Multi-Fidelity EGO: Modern engineering design processes are challenged by the need to incorporate data coming from different sources into unique and consistent predictive models. With the introduction of the new Multi-fidelity Efficient Global Optimizer (Multi-Fidelity EGO) in Optimus 2023.2, the users can achieve reduced simulation and analysis costs and simultaneously improve the final design quality. This optimizer will consider simulations with different fidelity levels, adaptively select the sampling location, and improve the accuracy of the optimization while reducing the computational costs.- Multi-Objective Lighthouse: The Optimus 2023.2 release is introducing the integration of a new multi-objective Lighthouse algorithm, an easy, fast, and scalable multi-objective algorithm, to enhance the existing optimization capabilities of Optimus. In addition to high performance the user benefits from the convenience of an easy setup and the possibility to reuse existing results.- nvision Interface: Optimus 2023.2 extends the portfolio of interfaces to 3rd party tools with the introduction of a new interface to nvision, an AI-powered surrogate modelling tool by Noesis Solutions. With the nvision interface, Optimus offers direct access to nvision models, which allows the user to integrate real-time predictions into an Optimus workflow instead of running time-consuming simulations.
Optimus与现有的优化工具不同,因为它是开放的:它不仅与任何CAE软件产品通信,甚至还包含访问所涉及的输入/输出文件的技术。这可以保护公司在传统软件中所做的大量投资,甚至可以扩展它们的实用性。经典模拟任务通过分析代码将输入文件链接到结果输出文件。没有Optimus。您只需点击图形网络显示,即可在运行期间以交互方式定义输入,输出和中间过程 – 无论多么复杂。只需在选定的输入文件中标记设计变量(或因子),分配上限和下限,“教”优化输入文件的结构,然后分配设计因子和决策响应的组合以进行优化。就这么简单 – 不需要编程或编写特定的接口代码。一旦定义了参数变化的边界,Optimus将自动生成,分析,探索和跟踪设计备选方案 – 通过系统评估每个虚拟运行的响应,在“虚拟测试实验室”中启动一系列“实验”。Optimus使分析师省去了大量耗时的手工工作:为每个设计和每个分析代码创建新的输入文件;运行模拟软件;从输出文件中提取感兴趣的数量;记录文件和结果。- 交互式动作定义;从所有工程学科中提取CAE代码
- 基于DOE技术生成“虚拟实验”;全因和部分因子设计
- 田口,Plackett-Burman,Box-Behnken;完整的田口稳健设计理论
- 广泛的响应曲面建模;by通过响应曲面建模进行强大的后处理
- 泰勒多项式;随机插值(Kriging,RBF)
- 用户定义优化和响应曲面;数值优化程序
- 单个,多目标和离散变量优化;高水平非线性约束方法(局部勘探)
- 自适应和差分进化遗传算法(全局);设计空间的动态表示
- 可变贡献和蒙特卡罗模拟;鲁棒性和可靠性评估和优化
- 用户可自定义的操作和界面;可以在大规模并行计算机网络上运行
由Noesis Solutions技术提供支持的仿真活动可以更好地利用软件和硬件资源。这样可以在更短的时间内提供更多更好的结果,从而可以对整个设计空间进行前期探索。
作为技术娴熟的工程师,他们可以帮助构建强大的仿真工作流程并定义智能优化策略 - 无论您身在何处或正在从事什么行业。
Owner: Noesis SolutionsProduct Name: OptimusVersion: 2023.2 SP1 (build 2023.12.15)Supported Architectures: x64Website Home Page : www.noesissolutions.comLanguages Supported: englishSystem Requirements: Windows *Size: 596.6 mb
关于激活win版 1. Install Optimus 2019.1 Win64. Do not install License Manager!
At setup in "FlexLM License Server Cofiguration" window for
License server name input: C:\ProgramData\Noesis\noesis_SSQ.dat
2. Copy folder "ProgramData" to C: with overwrite
3. Overwite original <Optimus 2019.1 program folder>
(by default C:\Program Files\NOESIS\OPTIMUS\2019.1 ) with cracked one
4. Enjoy
Cracked by TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ
liunx版1. Install Optimus 2019.1 to opt/optimus
2. Overwite the root opt/optimus/2019.1 folder with cracked one
3. Copy "noesis_SSQ.dat" to computer
4. Define environment variable NOESIS_LICENSE_FILE pointing to noesis_SSQ.dat
5. Reboot
6. Enjoy!
Cracked by TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ