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- 2025-03-02
Red Giant VFX Suite 2024 (x64) | 575.7 Mb VFX Suite offers a powerful toolkit for realistic visual effects composites in After Effects. With Supercomp, light and atmospheric effects interact with all of your layers and the elements of a scene in a far more natural way than can be modeled with a simple stack of 2D layers. VFX Suite also includes tools for adding shadows and reflections that speed up some of the essential parts of creating a professional composite. Maxon发布了VFX Suite 2,这是其After Effects插件套件的新版本,用于常见的视觉效果任务,例如色度键控、相机跟踪、瑕疵去除和预合成。该更新添加了程序性枪口耀斑发生器Bang插件,这是Maxon从原始开发商 Quarterlight Pictures收购并增加到Vfx suite 2套件中,并在Primatte Keyer中通过Metal增加了对GPU加速的支持。VFX Suite 2是“一个旨在解决视觉效果艺术家面临的一些最大挑战的有凝聚力的工具包”。它包括流行的抠像工具Primatte Keyer和镜头光晕系统Knoll Light Factory的更新版本,以及用于合成、运动跟踪和对象移除的新插件。所有工具都经过 GPU 加速并支持 8 位、16 位和 32 位色深。VFX Suite 2中的新功能是Bang,这是Maxon从原始开发商Quarterlight Pictures(又名合成师和VFX主管Christian Lett)那里获得的漂亮的程序性枪口照明弹生成器。Bang是一个完全程序化的照片逼真的3D枪口闪光发生器,可以快速轻松地将枪口闪光添加到您的After Effects合成中。您可以立即开始使用Bang,方法是将它直接应用于源素材并选择20个预设之一,然后使用2D深度屏幕控件或属性值进行定位,以实现 3D 定位和更高的准确性。Bang通过易于使用的直观控件,让用户可以完全控制闪光的宽度、高度、发光、失真和时间。Bang可以快速为枪战场景生成程序性枪口照明弹。它使用户能够通过缩放和旋转枪支的屏幕控制图标以匹配背景板的视角,为枪声镜头添加逼真的枪口闪光。Bang 然后生成匹配的耀斑效果,可以通过轮廓曲线手动自定义以调整其形状,并通过颜色和亮度控件进行自定义。其他控件可调整自动武器上的枪口制动器产生的热模糊、火花和“花瓣”。耀斑以适合预览或最终输出的质量以全 HDR 进行渲染,Bang 会自动向场景添加补光灯以模拟耀斑的照明。Bang 附带 20 件与现实世界相匹配的手枪、步枪和机枪以及科幻武器。 通过Metal在 Mac 上实现 Primatte Keyer 的 GPU 加速,除此之外,Maxon 网站上列出的VFX Suite 2中的另一个变化是通过Apple的Metal API在macOS上的色度键控工具Primatte Keyer中支持GPU加速。VFX Suite 2包含11个插件: Bang V2.0.0 3D枪口闪光发生器(新插件)Chromatic Displacement v1.0.4 色差置换插件Lens Distortion Matcher v1.0.2 镜头失真变形) 视频教程Knoll Light Factory v3.1.2 光工厂镜头光晕插件King Pin Tracker v1.5.1 平面跟踪插件Optical Glow v1.5.0 智能辉光插件Primatte Keyer 6 v6.0.3 专业抠像插件Shadow v1.5.1 投影插件Reflection v1.5.1 反射插件Spot Clone Tracke v1.0.5 物体移除替换克隆跟踪插件Supercomp v1.5.4 超强特效合成插件 Chroma KeyVFX Suite gives you fast, automatic chroma keying. Whether you are using a green screen or blue screen, Primatte Keyer can regularly pull a perfect key with a single click. Primatte's cleanup tools help turn even the most difficult shots into solid and professional composites. Take your chroma keying results even further by using Primatte in combination with Supercomp's post-keying tools. Tracking & CleanupVFX Suite features lighting-fast, accurate planar tracking, right inside of After Effects — no need to step out of AE for great corner-pin tracking results anymore. Whether you’re pinning a rectangular sign or something not rectangular at all, King Pin Tracker has you covered. Also included is Spot Clone Tracker, a powerful tool for quickly removing anything from skin blemishes to unwanted objects in your shot. Lights & GlowsVFX Suite’s Optical Glow generates a blazing fast, drop-dead gorgeous, photo-realistic glow effect — great for use in visual effects and motion graphics. It’s easy to use and is by far the most beautiful, highest-quality glow ever made for Adobe After Effects. Knoll Light Factory gives you 3D lens flares from Industrial Light and Magic, and includes over 200 presets based on films from the 1960’s to the present day. DistortionVFX Suite makes it easy to generate beautiful prismatic displacement effects for visual effects and motion graphics. Unlike the Displacement Map effect in After Effects, Chromatic Displacement uses the displacement image as a height map, which gives you beautiful, organic results — perfect for creating force fields, heat ripples, light refractions, cloaking effects, and much more. VFX SupercompSupercomp is a compositing environment that makes it easy to create complex, seamless composites. In Supercomp, light and atmospheric effects interact with ALL of your layers and the elements of a scene in a far more natural way and with far less pre-composing than ever before. Supercomp includes more than 15 gpu-accelerated context-aware tools for integrating all of your elements into your final shot. VFX Primatte KeyerPrimatte Keyer is a powerful tool for fast, automatic chroma keying. Whether you are using a green screen or blue screen, Primatte Keyer's auto compute algorithms can often pull a perfect key automatically. The new user interface and clean up tools make it easy to select and separate your background and foreground. VFX King Pin TrackerKing Pin Tracker gives you fast, accurate planar tracking, right inside of After Effects. King Pin Tracker makes it simple to place signs or objects into a shot, even if they aren’t simple rectangular shapes. With powerful To and From pins, and the ability to offset and rotate in planar space, you can pin whatever you want, wherever you want it. VFX Spot Clone TrackerSpot Clone Tracker is a tool for lightning-fast, simple object removal with a built-in tracker for moving footage. Easily fix blemishes or remove small, unwanted items. Spot Clone Tracker is easy to use, and even matches your lighting automatically, with options for how it clones light, color and texture. VFX Optical GlowOptical Glow is a blazing fast, drop-dead gorgeous, photo-realistic glow effect for use in professional visual effects and motion graphics. It’s easily the most beautiful, highest-quality glow you’ve ever had on your timeline. There’s actually a lot of science behind why it looks so much better than the glows you’ve been using for years, but the bottom line is it’s just super awesome. VFX Chromatic DisplacementChromatic Displacement uses one layer to displace the pixels of another, while smoothly separating out the colors. Unlike the Displacement Map effect in After Effects, Chromatic Displacement uses the displacement image as a height map, which gives you beautiful, organic results. We designed Chromatic Displacement for creating professional visual effects, such as force fields, heat ripples, light refractions, cloaking effects, and much more - but it’s also great for motion graphics. VFX Knoll Light FactoryDesigned by John Knoll, Chief Creative Officer at Industrial Light and Magic, Knoll Light Factory creates camera-inspired, photo-realistic lens flares that render fast, thanks to new GPU acceleration. Using the intuitive Lens Editor, create your own flares from scratch, or customize one of the 200 included presets inspired by some of the most iconic films of the past few decades. VFX ShadowShadow is a plugin for After Effects that makes it super easy to add a perspective shadow in front of or behind a layer, based on its alpha channel, brightness, and more. With options for softness, bend, length, color and many other properties, the Shadow effect goes far beyond the various shadow tools available inside After Effects. VFX ReflectionReflection is a plugin for After Effects that makes it easy to add a reflection to your layers. With controls for softness, distance fade, length and more, this effect goes far beyond the standard methods for creating reflections. 安装步骤(安装前切记关闭杀毒软件,以免安装失败):1.安装插件包,点击VFX Suite Installer.exe, 2.打开AE软件,添加插件,然后在效果控件面板,找到插件,点击Licensing....(注册),然后将弹出“ Red Giant Application Manager”,或者切换到Maxon App(这个需要注册账号)。单击取消,无需登录,然后单击右上角,选择输入序列号,然后输入序列号以完成激活。 如提供的gif注册参考。 激活所有插件的通用注册码:VXXK2245843678913578温馨提示,如果你之前没有安装过Red Giant Application Manager,所以现在需要跳转到Maxon App来激活,打开Maxon App,这个需要注册登录,或者用科学上网工具,点击通过google登录,登录后,点击右上角三条杠,然后点击Import Serial Numbers,在弹出的框里点击最下面蓝色按钮Manually Enter a Serial Number(手动输入序列号),输入注册码就可以注册成功了。3.退出AE,双击VFX Suite中英文汉化补丁.exe安装,汉化补丁包含中文/英文切换,可根据自己需求随意切换安装。*特别说明:由于技术限制和疏漏极少部分参数可能未做汉化;转译编码的特殊性,可能存在潜在BUG;汉化程序为一键安装,可自动识别软件插件目录;光工厂插件由于界面自身原因,汉化显示字非常小;我们仅提供插件工具,不提供任何插件使用教学和视频教程。Supercomp插件无汉化:由于用户反馈和汉化团队测试汉化后插件不能正常使用和乱码显示,故保留Supercomp插件英文原版,其他插件均已汉化。另外汉化是不会汉化插件名称的,汉化插件名称会导致使用模板时插件丢失警告,因为AE模板中使用英文名的插件,如果汉化为中文名则不被识别 System Requirements:- Windows 10 and later- 4 GB of RAM- 800 MB of Hard Drive space- Adobe After Effects CC 2018 and later Home Page - https://www.redgiant.com/products/vfx-suite/
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