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[行业软件]Camnetics Suite 2019 (Build 07.05.2019) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-07-06 19:07:25

Camnetics Suite 2019 (Build 07.05.2019) | 187.0 mb

The Camnetics team is pleased to announce the availability of Camnetics Suite 2019 (Build 07.05.2019). This softwares provides the designer advanced tools for creating solid models of drive components and assemblies.

About Camnetics Suite. Camnetics Suite is an object oriented/property driven gear design programs. It is not the intent of Camnetics Suite to replace your CAD system but to augment the CAD system with a user interface that will allow the gear designer to accurately visualize the components before they are modeled in the CAD system.

GearTrax has a predetermined number of components. For example, the spur tab always has 2 gears, a pinion and a gear. For bevel gears this is important because bevels are normally defined as a set. The number of teeth in both gears defines such properties as the pitch angles. When GearTrax creates in CAD, the user can select between creating only the individual models or the models and the assembly. GearTrax is programmed in the USA using 100% renewable energy.

A GearTeq component can be a CAD part by itself. The component can be part of a set of components that make up a single CAD part. For example, a spur gear is a single component but this spur gear may have an internal spline as a child mate that is defined as a bore. When created in CAD, the spur gear will be created and the internal spine will be added features of the spur gear. This is also true for mating parts that are defined as joined.

A CamTrax64 base component is either a cylinder or a cube. A cylinder can have paths inserted on both ends and/or the cylindrical surface. A cube can have paths inserted on the upper or lower surface. Each path has a single cam follower. This follower can be translating or oscillating. A path may also be a dual follower (two cam followers of the same diameter) so a ridge is created along the centerline of the path. A path may also be conjugate to another path (master). The conjugate path may have a follower of a different diameter than the master path

About Camnetics Inc. Camnetics, Inc. incorporated in 1997 with the goal to provide engineers and designers with tools for creating solid models of drive components. Camnetics, Inc. offers easy to use software so the designer can be creating these special type of models with very short learning curve.

Product: Camnetics
Version: Suite 2019 (Build 07.05.2019) *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.camnetics.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 187.0 mb

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