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[行业软件]Altair HWSolvers 2019.2.2 HotFix [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-08-22 23:28:38

Altair HWSolvers 2019.2.2 HotFix | 752.2 mb

The Altair HyperWorks product team has released an hotfix to HyperWorks Solvers 2019.2. Combined with design optimization technology and multi-physics capabilities HyperWorks, this solver technology enables users to drive the product-development process and make reliable decisions based on high-quality results.

Altair HyperWorks Solvers 2019.2.1 Release Notes

Altair OptiStruct 2019.2.1 Release Notes

New Features

- The HyperWorks Solver Run Managerdialog has been improve d to provide a new -composeoption. This option allows you to specify the location of the Compose installation. There are twoways to define the path to the Compose installation:
Option 1
The Compose installation path is defined as an argument to -compose. For example, -composeC:\Program Files\Altair\2019\Compose2019.2.
Option 2
The Compose installation path is specified in the preferences (Edit > Preferences) in theHyperWorks Solver Run Manager dialog.If the path is defined in the preferences file, then only -compose is sufficient. For example, -compose.

- As a PEAKOUT enhancement, multiple loading frequencies can be picke d around peak loadingfrequencies based on the ran ge of frequencies (from the peak) and how many responses to bepicked within that ra nge.

Resolved Issues

- A job could not respond "hang" when the license is not available for MPI jobs. This has been fixed.
- Negative stiffness for CBUSH was not processed properly and has been fixed.
- BUSH force could be wrong if the structural damping (GE) and the local system are defined onCBUSH. This has been fixed.
- The wrong error message (id=721) could happen for dynamic analysis if a non-zero value isspecified in SPC Bulk card. This has been fixed.
- String input (TOP/BOTTOM) for Z0 on PCOMPP was not working properly and has been fixed.
- For FRF based mode identification, the response process had an issue when there are more thanone FRF subcases in the model. This has been fixed.
- Alpha (thermal expansion coefficient) on RBE2 for Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis is nowofficially supported.
- Corner thermal strain for 2nd order tets had some issues that have been fixed.

Altair Radioss 2019.2.1 Release Notes

New Features

New plastic strain tensor output for concrete material /MAT/LAW24 with Icap=2 (only).

/TH cards
New check to remove the duplicated object identifier in the same /TH card.


Improved the plastic strain estimation in the concrete material /MAT/LAW24 with Icap=2.Previously, the plastic strain could have a negative value.
Convergence improvement for a specific model with concentrated load (/CLOAD).
Development finalization of the new failure model for windshields with XFEM based on Mr. Alter formulation.

Resolved Issues

Performance improvement for a model with a lot of springs in time history. The scalability wasimproved for a large number of SPMD domains.
Improvement of the unloading behavior defined by a curve.
Correction of performance issue (from version 2019) for the composite material /MAT/LAW25 with failure and included in contact interface /INTER/TYPE7.
The thickness change flag (with Ithick=1) re-activates after thermal analysis (/DT/THERM).
Correction of an issue created during the /FAIL/ALTER development.
Correction of initial penetration computing along the free edges of shell components. Thus, someinitial forces can occur close to the edges.
The stress and strain tensor output using /H3D for 2D solid elements now works correctly withsolid property Isolid=17. Previously, the computation was failing.

Altair HyperXtrude Solver 2019.2.1 Release Notes


Metal Extrusion: Extrusion Process Optimization
Computational module of HX-Process is now distributed as a shared library. This is used by InspireExtrude to automatically compute optimum billet preheat, billet axial taper, and ram speed.
Quenching: Improvements to Heat Transfer Computations
Extruded profiles were cooling at a much higher rate than expected. This issue has beenaddressed by improving the nozzle strength curve and the heat transfer computations.
User-Defined Function for HTC
Solver now uses UDF (user-defined function) in fortran/c to compute heat transfer coefficient.

Resolved Issues

Metal Extrusion: Error in Exported Temperature Loads
Solver exports temperature on the surfaces that come in contact with tool for doing temperaturedependent stress analysis using OptiStruct. There was an issue in the exported loads when therewere gaps in node numbering. This issue is corrected. Now the export does not depend on thecontiguousness of node numbering.

Altair Manufacturing Solver 2019.2.1 Release Notes

Altair Manufacturing Solver is a state-of-the-art solver suite for manufacturing applications built on aparallel, modular and extensible framework that is suitable for simulations of manufacturing processes.The current version of Manufacturing Solver includes a casting solver that is used under Altair InspireCast and an injection molding solver that has an interface in Altair SimLab.

New Features

Solution Stages
AMS has modularized the solution sequence such that interoperability between different solutionmodules is naturally implemented. This allows the solver to combine different manufacturing processes to create one seamless simulation.

Casting Simulation

- Solver has improved the solution stability and convergence when running low pressure diecasting simulations.
- Solver now allows starting piston shot simulations from a quiet piston position.
- Solver has implemented a new robust flow solver, which can be used in very slow fillings. Thissolver feature is not available in the user interface and it can be tested manually.
- Solver has implemented customizable cooling channels that can be activated/deactivated as afunction of time or based on the temperature detected by a virtual thermocouple. In addition,the heat transfer coefficient is computed automatically depending on process conditions.
Resolved Issues
- Resolved an issue in cycling (solution with multiple cycles) that may make the solver sundersome circumstances.
- Resolved an issue that may prevent the end of simulation results to be written duringsolidification. This issue led to incomplete result files.

Molding Solution


- Solver speed up
Molding solver is enhanced to increase the computational speed of filling simulation withoutcompromising on the solution accuracy. Solver now supports three solution modes:
For a very fast and reasonably accurate solution for filling simulation. This solution isthree to four times faster than the solution computed in the previous release.
For a more accurate solution. This solution will be up to two times faster than thesolution computed in the previous release.
Solution settings are similar to those computed in the previous release. This feature isnot exposed in the user interfaces.
- Material data updates
Material data now includes source metadata and process data. There is no change to therheology and thermomechanical data used in the computation.

Founded in 1985, Altair is focused on the development and application of simulation technology to synthesize and optimize designs, processes and decisions for improved business performance. Privately held with more than 2,600 employees, Altair is headquartered in Troy, Michigan, USA with more than 45 offices throughout 20 countries, and serves more than 5,000 corporate clients across broad industry segments.

Product: Altair HyperWorks Solvers
Version: 2019.2.1 Hotfix
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.altair.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Software Prerequisites: Altair HyperWorks Solvers 2019.2
Size: 970.3 mb

* System Requirements:

Operating System: Windows 7even (64bit) or Windows 10 (64bit),
RAM: 4 GB (higher recommended)
Graphics Hardware: OpenGL 3D graphics accelerator compatible with OpenGL 3.2 or higher, True color (24-bit) support, 2 GB or higher dedicated RAM, Only AMD and NVIDIA GPUs supported (Intel chipsets are not supported)

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Altair HWSolvers 2019.2.1

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