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[行业软件]LEAP Bridge Steel CONNECT Edition V19 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-09-01 21:28:34

LEAP Bridge Steel CONNECT Edition V19 | 1.4 Gb

The Bentley LEAP product team is pleased to announce the availability of LEAP Bridge Steel CONNECT Edition V19 M1 (build is a comprehensive software for 3D steel bridge design and rating application wither offers advanced physical 3D bridge modeling, design, analysis, and load rating of steel bridges, following AASHTO LRFD specifications.

What’s New in LEAP Bridge Steel CONNECT Edition V19 Maintenance 1 (Date: Jun 28, 2019)

We recently identified several important issues in the past market version of LEAP Bridge Steel. Details of those issues are listed below. We have fixed the issues in the maintenance release v19.00.00.51.

- Incorrect load rating result shown as zero under Service II due to the nominal bend-buckling resistance (Fcrw) of the web was incorrectly calculated as zero.
- The shear capacity (Vn) was incorrectly calculated as zero when the slenderness (D/tw ratio) of the web without longitudinal stiffener is greater than 150.
- Incorrect error message popped when the cross-frame was deleted, and the change was saved.
- Lateral moment value was not shown in the Field Splice Design report.
- CONNECT License logging issue.

Streamline the design of straight and curved I-girder and tub-girder bridges with LEAP Bridge Steel’scomputational 3D design and modeling. Benefit from the software’s advanced load rating and analysis capabilities, such as line-girder, grillage, and finite element analysis, which will enable you to evaluate steel bridges faster and deliver your projects on time and under budget. Maximize efficiencies on your next bridge project.

This video discusses how to create a 3D model of a tub girder bridge using LEAP Bridge Steel.

Bentley Systems, Incorporated. is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

Product: LEAP Bridge Steel
Version: CONNECT Edition V19 (build
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.bentley.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 1.4 Gb



Dear all, you have LEAP Bridge Steel CONNECT Edition V19 with the connection and advisor client from the old release and the crack file from staad. You first install LEAP Bridge Steel CONNECT Edition V19 , then uninstall connection and advisr clients, clean registry with ccleaner, reboot and install the old connection and advisor files (Setup_CONNECTIONclientx64_10.00.13.017.exe and Setup_CONNECTAdvisorx64_10.01.00.130.exe), close clients and run the staad.pro.cn.edition.x64.(cl).v22.00.00.15-patch.exe (use right admin) and you have a fully functional LEAP Bridge Steel CONNECT Edition V19.

Thanks gogu252

tested by scutter. Enjoy in this release.

Possible issues and methods for solving them.

ERROR  CONNECT Client Licensing


fore your system case >>6.1.7601.24441<<, there exists a similar issue, related only to a system service issue because of winstupid and dotNET, causing exact the same ERROR. You can circumvent this with following:
- After fresh restart, start 'CONNECT License Client Health Check.exe' and click run to get
?Service Installed Yes;
?Service Running ERROR;
?Network ERROR;
?CC Installed Yes;
?CC Logged In Yes;
?Logging Service N/A;
?Policy Service N/A
- then start your application to get again the same ERROR.
- close ERROR MsBox
- start your application and use it with TRIAL 'Bentley Subsurface Utility Design and Analysis'


if above, is not true and you are using matching build of SOLUTION/APPLICATION
- then some crap on your online machine is blocking 'Bentley.Licencsing.Licensetool.exe' to start as Service and another crap is calling home.
you can continue if not get restricted but no other answer will follow after not concrete questions spam


For the case CONNECT Client Licensing there is no advise to do this:
'For info Descartes Update 3 was working with the DLLs and reg patches, i've tried the old DLLs method as they seem to be present in Descartes Update 4 folder (Bentley.License.Library.10.NET.dll - Bentley.liclib.10.dll - Bentley.liclib.10.nogui.dll'
for your need:
?please revert original state of these files, install 'Setup_CONNECTClientx64_10.00.13.017', apply 'staad.pro.cn.edition.x64.(cl).v22.00.00.15-patch.exe'.
?if you are a user of Windows 1809, there are useful hints how to allow for that system false positive files, marked from a untrusted vendor who is a thief himself (here is one link- https://www.howto-connect.com/enable-disable-antivirus-protection-windows-security-windows-10/)
?please educate yourself on how to use windows.


Restart your system, because the patcher KILL first the process Bentley.Licensing.Service.exe to patch it, or if you don't want to restart, just start Bentley.Licensing.Tool.exe manually.

软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2019-09-25 21:04:01
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